sharing resources with my other avatars

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by tillytoo, May 18, 2014.

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  1. tillytoo

    tillytoo Forum Apprentice

    "Only Andermants are shared between accounts of the same user, on the same server."
    this is helpful, but not useful. How does one actually DO this? we are both on the same server, but I can find no way to send anything anywhere...?
  2. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    This only means that characters on the same account have the same andermant pool. Not that you can share andermants with your other accounts.
  3. tillytoo

    tillytoo Forum Apprentice

    that means they all have the same level of andermant no matter who is doing the gathering? im sorry if I sound utterly dense here, but thats what it sounds like you're saying, and does not explain why one of my avatars has X number of andermant and another has less. how can we have the same pool but not share it? lol
  4. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I am not sure I understand. If your characters are on the same account, they share the same andermant pool. No matter which character gains the andermant, it still goes to the same pool, allowing all other characters on that account to use that andermant. Your characters shouldn't have different amounts of andermant, that is, if they're on the same account. Any account can have a maximum of 4 characters, if that helps at all.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    There are two ways to have multiple characters on a server. I'm not sure where you got the quote in your OP, but it is poorly worded. "Accounts" are unique log ins to the game as a whole where as a single account may theoretically have up to 24 "Characters" spread out across 6 "Servers."

    First is the normal way. You have one account and up to four characters on that account. In this case, each of the characters on that account will share the same andermant pool. If you gain 100 ander on one, you will gain 100 ander on the other. If you use 100 ander for on of those characters you lose it on the other. Thus "Shared."

    The second way to have more than one character on a server is to have multiple accounts. In this case, there is no sharing between different accounts. This is to prevent individuals from making new accounts to receive the initial 600 ander you start with and then just transferring it to another account thus getting fast free andermant.

    (This one doesn't really count because it is not same server, but I figured I'd include it as a possibility.)
    Third would be if the characters were not even on the same server to begin with. For example, you have only one log in (thus only one account), but you have characters on all of Drakensang's servers. Then, the andermant sharing would only take place between characters on the same server, but would not occur between the servers even though they may all be on the same account.

    Now that I've explained that, time to ask you a question. If I understand you correctly, you have 'x' andermant on one character and 'y' andermant on another. Correct? If so, you've made multiple accounts and you have the second case or you have been changing characters by changing servers and you have a case three. Sorry, but if either of these is the case you won't have any way to share that andermant between your toons.

    If I had to rephrase the quote you have in your OP, it should read (both to make it make sense and fix some weird grammar) "Andermant is only shared between multiple characters on the same server of an individual's account"

    I hope this post was not information overload and I hope it cleared some things up for you.
    Ningo and TheInfamous like this.
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