Suggestion Should i hand in the 1000gold quest now?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wangwang, Jan 28, 2016.

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  1. wangwang

    wangwang Active Author

    Something has been announced that in 161 a new 50 cape will be released.I thought it is the 6/6 cape quest.But someone said that the new cape stats is exact the same with 5/5 lvled to 50 and some have complained about new players getting 50lvl cape but old players get none.And i m totally confused.
    Would i get scaled cape in 161 or still the same old lvl40?
    Pls construct me.Thx:)
  2. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced

    Wait and see. Anyway you could not get that quest until you finised 1000 gold cape.
  3. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    The old capes will get a stat increase and the new one will have a very hard quest. So there is a trade off but there are 2 capes added below the one that is available now and one better...
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No they will not ... it is a bug.
    wangwang and _Baragain_ like this.
  5. BetyBabaliciousBling

    BetyBabaliciousBling Forum Apprentice

    all you have to do is to wait soon releases and all will be revealed !
    We can't say anything, espicially when there is no official announcment about this yet! :-D
  6. perfectmaster

    perfectmaster Forum Apprentice

    there was no cape will be wings...
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