Simple Dragan doll pet ???

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Alantix, Mar 1, 2024.

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  1. Alantix

    Alantix Forum Apprentice

    Hi everyone.
    I was wondering is there a way to obtain the simple Dragan doll,
    you know the one that DOES NOT give damage + attack speed bonus ?
    I think it was in the progress bars in older versions of the Dragan event, but now its not.
    If it has been removed, it might be a good idea to add it to the upcoming Gnob's newest offers event.
    CiscoNetPlus likes this.
  2. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    You're right, it appeared previously in the progress Bar II of the Dragan event (year 2020). Now it is no longer available!!

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Same for DTU pets (and worldcup costumes/emotes.)

    These events won't ever be live again i guess, but lots of players would like the stuff + bonus. Be nice if they do add these items to Gnob every couple months.
  4. Talaby

    Talaby Junior Expert

    The simple Dragan doll falls from Dragan in the hall. the first time you log in to do the quest.
  5. fifamobilefc

    fifamobilefc Forum Greenhorn

    looking for a satisfactory answer