Announcement Skill Animation Timing Table

Discussion in 'FAQs and Tutorials' started by teddy.bear, Aug 14, 2017.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Dear Heroes,

    Skill execution is faster animated. The attacks don´t change in their velocity, but the animation ends sooner, which leads to the fact that the character can move a lot quicker after carrying out an action.

    To give you as much insight as possible and to make the comparison easier, we provided you the following list.

    The following skills have been adjusted, please focus on them: ​

    SkillSkill Unlock FrameMotion Unlock FrameHit FrameOld Frames (Skill/Motion/Hit)
    Rage Attack156521/21/11
    Rageful Swing156522/22/12
    Iron Brow156513/13/5
    Fury of The Dragon2010924/24/12
    Mighty Wild Swing2010916/16/8
    Hunting Arrow156515/15/15
    Deadly Blow156520/20/15
    Death Sweep156518/18/11
    Precises Shot2010920/20/16
    Scatter Shot2010915/15/15
    Explosive Arrow2010920/20/16
    Magic Missile156515/15/8
    Chain Lightning156515/15/5
    Ice Missile156515/15/8
    Light Strike2010917/17/5
    Quick Shot156513/5/4

    • Skill Unlock Frame = Duration of when next skill can be used;
    • Motion Unlock Frame = Duration of when the Character can move again after using a skill;
    • Hit Frame = duration of when the skills is dealing damage.
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