skill tree and abilities

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by SEYF, Jan 10, 2024.

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  1. SEYF

    SEYF Forum Apprentice

    The skill tree can be made more detailed. And the skills can be made more diverse. It would be nice to have a pleasant gaming experience with the development of new skills. Using the same skills for a long time can be tiring and boring. To cut a map or a blank in the best way, apply a skill tree or two. It is very limited. Its capabilities and images can also be improved.
    vegetadavid and khkhSLIFMOOR like this.
  2. khkhSLIFMOOR

    khkhSLIFMOOR Forum Greenhorn

    they developed and programmed soo many specifications, attacks, skills, eras with completely different skill trees and possibilities and pve npc mob attacks! Every attack has a skin, and effect! They should make builds far more diverse! They could have every time they shut servers down since the game exists! They said neither pvp nor pvp is nearly ready to play but are adding new content. Imagine if they made a new client wit at least 4 classes where its possible to fight with every of the skills they programmed every attack, spicificacion, npc monster attack, all eras accessable for yours of the 4 classes. Couldnt they?