skill's speed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yamahamm, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    I have recently thought about some skills. im wondering if bird of prey, net and blade dance skills depend on attack speed?

    I've played at various speeds but haven't noticed big difference between speeds.
    the biggest difference for me has attack with bow and green arrows.

    And one more thing. Do we, rangers, need to hit our opponents directly in the middle of their body? because sometimes I don't hit player when arrow goes like few millimeters (on the screen) and in some videos I saw that it hits opponent even not touching their armor. Don't really know how to explain this, hope you understood
  2. CemalRavage

    CemalRavage Junior Expert

    net and blade dance skills dont depend on attack speed , they are standard animations for all rangers , and yes , you need to hit directly in the middle of the toon to inflict damage , but is very hard in arena to hit somthing with the ranger cuz the radius that inflicts damage by the precision shoot is very small , you see that the mages inflict damage even that damn fireball it passes a litle on your side , but the precision shoot doesent , thats really sux for rangers cuz if u add oponent increased travel speed and that stupid lagg in arena you will have a hard time trying to hit sombody . Personally 90% if all my precision shoots in 1v1 are missed , i cant hit a EDIT thing , and thats why i dont play 1v1 anymore , Sux for rangers
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 21, 2014
  3. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    if so, why some rangers perform blade dance so quickly that I cant even see that? I feel really sad when I miss precision shot and someone hits me even if he missed a bit... but yeah, maybe net is not that dependent on speed
  4. Starfaaker

    Starfaaker Forum Apprentice

    Net depends on at. speed,not entirely, but it depends on how fast you "summon" net. Standarnd net animation is the same for all rangers, but I noticed a long time ago that faster rangers throw net in the air faster than those long bow users. I can't explain it to you so good as video on youtube with some PVP action can ;)
  5. Nei

    Nei Advanced

    Long time ago the bird was summoned in base of your attack speed but with a (not really) recent patch it has been changed, now it summoned with a fixed speed.

    About the net, well, i also see sometimes that players throw it very fast, but i guess it is just a refreshing or lag issue. It should be the same for every ranger.

    Blade dance, standard speed too.
  6. CemalRavage

    CemalRavage Junior Expert

    that its a lagg problem , and like Starfaaker sayd , trowing the net depends on the attack speed , i just tested it :p
  7. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    I used to notice rangers with 2+ speed would be invisible while doing Blade Dance or Jumping, made targeting them impossible. That doesn't seem to happen anymore, though.
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