slots to place skills

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Mirak1993, Jul 4, 2021.

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  1. Mirak1993

    Mirak1993 Forum Apprentice

    Hello, I wanted to make a suggestion if possible.
    They could put as before the dark legacy update, 7 slots to place skills in the game. There are times when you need that many slots to use the skills you are interested in. Taking into account the amount of skills that each character has, I would say that it is necessary.
  2. Nostalgiac

    Nostalgiac Advanced

    They won't increase it, it was their business decision... most players got used to it eventually (believe me there was an outcry in the beginning, the even initially planned to have just 3 slots!)

    If you need more slots, I suggest to learn to use 2 skill bars. It's not that hard if you set up efficient hotkeys, and after a week the switching becomes muscle memory.