SM Sunlight

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sunlight, Apr 29, 2020.

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  1. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there, lovely people!

    Time to introduce myself...
    I am the most recent acquisition from EN Team and I am super glad of being here!!

    I am a former Moderator from another community language, but some changes were needed and, for that reason, I am here to help you out! So, if you have any question, anything that I may help you, do not hesitate ;)

    My Drakensang experience has started on april, 2012, and it's time to help you as much as I can.

    I look forward to your co-operation in everything. And... portuguese boy is in the house!! :p

    Once again, anything that you may need, do not hesitate ;)
    There is only one reason to be a Moderator: players!

    Keep doing it great!! ;)
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

  3. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Hello and welcome. :) I look forward to working with you.

    T.U.N.I.C.K.O.N and ScristineL like this.
  4. Aerion

    Aerion Someday Author

    Hello Sunlight. Welcome to the team :) .
    ScristineL likes this.
  5. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Thank you, buddies ;)

    Anything you need, you know: gravity bring me down :p
    T.U.N.I.C.K.O.N likes this.
  6. Wllf

    Wllf Advanced

    Welcome Sunlight... I hope you are ready for us. ;)
    PS. I speak a little Portugese too. :)
    ScristineL likes this.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Hello dude .
    Good luck with your new journey ... and i hope i won't be getting warning points from you :eek:
    Me too ... Cristina Crynaldo ... it translates to crybaby or something :D
  8. Wllf

    Wllf Advanced

    Mmmm :p
  9. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Wllf ,

    Thank you for your votes! I guess I am :p
    Good that you have some knowledge of portuguese language, so I do not feel so alone ^^

    Hey there @trakilaki ,

    Sure! ;) Thanks for your words. I am not that kind of moderator ;)
    About Ronaldo, well... your translator seems bugged #hotfixneeded :D

  10. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    Welcome aboard Sunlight :).
  11. ScristineL

    ScristineL Active Author

    welcome my friend Sunlight. I am a player of PT / BR forum and admirer of your work. I'm sure that will be recognized in this forum by the competence and dedication and I feel very happy for you.
  12. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Hello... How long you in for?? And what the hell did you do to get sentenced to this place?? ... lol :p:p:p
    Welcome to the EN Boards...
    Get in, Sit down, Shut up, And hold on!!!! Screaming is ok but crying is a definite NO NO!!!... lmao!!!

    Thanks, Doc.
    ScristineL likes this.
  13. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Fresh Meat!

    Welcome, and I promise not to be a pain in the rear for at least the first week.
    ScristineL likes this.
  14. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Olá e Bem vinda! ...or as we say in English... Hello and Welcome! Looking forward to your posts!
  15. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Howdy Sunlight.

    It is great to see an insane... errr.... umm, I mean DEDICATED mod that chooses to join another language forum when their previous one gets downsized ;)

    Luck be with ye,
  16. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Troneck86 ,

    Thank you ;) I hope this mission will be cool :D

    Hey there @ScristineL ,

    Ohh, welcome @ScristineL . I do remember you from PT/BR Community. You can write down here your suggestions and creative things ;) You are talended.

    Yea, we all hope so; for now, I am suuuuuper glad of being here ;) Thanks for your words and you all know that I did the best that I could.

    Hey there @DocWhisky ,

    Is this so bad like that? :p Nobody informed be about that point. Time to rethink my decision :p
    Thank you ;)

    Hey there @_Baragain_ ,

    I am feeling now intimitaded :D :D
    :eek::eek: I will enjoy that week then :p

    Hey there @Dragonnns ,

    Obrigado... mmm... Thank you ;)

    Hey there @MikeyMetro ,

    That's the word: insane :p
    I hope there are a lot of people with that mood here too; if not, I will be feeling alone ^^

    I really hope to correspond to your expectactions ;)
    Thank you for your awesome words, Team :D

    ScristineL and trakilaki like this.
  17. Hello Sunlight. Take a seat on the couch. Pop your feet up and...

  18. ScristineL

    ScristineL Active Author

    thanks for the compliment Sunlight;). Of course I can post some rather creative :rolleyes: suggestions in this forum, look that many Brazilians migrate to this forum;) because I see here a greater freedom of expression of members of the community which differs from PT / BR forum.:(
  19. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Do enjoy the week... then I'll be "Walking On Sunshine." :p:D:p:D

    Just messing with you. I usually reserve my mischief for the noobs here who act like they are experts.
  20. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @ScristineL ,

    Everyone is very welcome here ;) Post your ideas/suggestions we are here to read them.

    Hey there @_Baragain_ ,

    :p I love those ones too ;)
    ScristineL likes this.
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