Suggestion Smaller server issues - esp Tegan and Balor

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Allogeneous, Dec 24, 2015.

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  1. Scythe

    Scythe Someday Author

    Sharing a potential idea for a Tegan community-created platform to boost activity:

    First, what do we need from the DSO team: Nothing except your permission! The community (us) will organize and implement everything through Facebook, and only require rewards such as anders to be booked by admins.

    Existing problem to fix: Tegan is probably the quietest server, even though it caters to a huge potential audience (Americas/Asia). Due to the lack of players (partly because of the inactivity of many old players), Tegan is by far the quietest even during peak hours or events. It can be hard to find farming groups or get PvP matches (5v5 can take hours to start during non-peak hours). In short, we need more players! And barring any server merge in the near future, the inactivity is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon.

    How to improve it: We want to create Tegan-specific initiatives for more community engagement! Specifically, we'll create a Tegan Facebook group and host activities like competitions, raffles, and other "events" on it. We hope to get players more engaged apart from the usual grind, so that they'll have more incentive to play despite the lack of farming groups and PvP matching. In fact, what we have planned will create more farming groups, more PvP action, and more guild collaboration/activity. It will also encourage players to share DSO with their friends, thus inviting new players to the game.

    Specifically, what type of events: After discussing with quite a few players, here are a few ideas we've come up with:

    • Monthly raffles: Players enter their usernames on a raffle post in the Tegan Facebook group to stand a chance to win anders/prizes. We will also make variations such as "sharing a DSO-related post" to introduce friends to DSO.
    • Individual contests: These can include "first to find a newly-released unique", "killing the Mushroom Collector bosses without dying/pots/essence", "first to find the hidden raptor", "fastest to clear a PW map", etc.
    • Guild competitions: These can include "fastest guild to finish event", "most guild PvP honor points in a week", and other monster-killing tasks.
    • Scheduled PvP days: A current problem is that due to the slow PvP action, 3v3 rarely triggers and 6v6 has been dead for months. What we can do on the Tegan Facebook group is schedule certain days to be dedicated 3v3/6v6 days, which gives players a chance to have fun with those matches. And with guild competitions such as "most guild honor points in a week", PvP will be more active than ever.

    Why Tegan: It's definitely not limited to Tegan! This is just a form of community engagement by players on Tegan, and we hope that players from any server can create such a platform for their server as well!
    ehrence8191 and BigPapa like this.
  2. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Another idea is to have a Tegan side bag that only the small severs have. That will make people want to come there for more storage.
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