Bug Snake mount in less than 15mins ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by alchimista, May 13, 2017.

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  1. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    How is it possible to see so many players in Cardhun , with allready snake mount ?

    After 20mins
  2. Hermit

    Hermit Forum Greenhorn

    with +10 bottle i think
  3. BlackHat

    BlackHat Junior Expert

    Bah I used +5 bless and I got only 60 progress in 20min in parallel world.

    In Great desert it is better but after 2h 30min I'm at 531 progress.
    From lucky sphere I got only draken....what a waste of time :(
  4. krawler2018

    krawler2018 Junior Expert

    the buffs are expensive isn't it cheaper to just buy lucky spheres?
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    It might also be stackable - that is, have both the +5 and +10 buffs going at the same time.
  6. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    Might, but who knows if they will appear in the lucky spheres? It says in the picture "obtainable only through the event"
  7. smurfaki

    smurfaki Someday Author

    With money ofc if you use all buffs all the time you can get it very easily if you farm in open maps or in the q on your level.
  8. zelda

    zelda Forum Greenhorn

    that happens when you have 50 lvl char those who havent cant go in carhun
  9. smurfaki

    smurfaki Someday Author

    I know what i meant is actually that you can get buffs and farm there too for more dps.
    zelda likes this.
  10. zelda

    zelda Forum Greenhorn

    ok but that doesnt actually what i mean but anyway thanks for info
  11. Ren_Alanera

    Ren_Alanera Someday Author

    yes, they were stackable.
  12. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    There you go. Stack all 3 buffs and clear maps in a group, each player working different ends and reseting. You might be able to get it done with just one round of stacked buffs.
  13. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    Maybe none of you all want to understand that :
    most of us surely noticed that AFTER 15 from the beginning of the event, lots of players allready have snake mount.
    We all know that could not be possibile we a fair play ( NOT EVEN WITH MONEY ).
    The staff should work on it.
  14. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    We might be underestimating how fast a group of 5 with good connections and machines, and coordinated by voice chat can clear a map and pick the loot selectively, might, on the other hand, if you found it so unbelievable, you could have screenshotted the people in question with a time stamp and send it to support for investigation.
  15. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    really fast, especially if they have the universal map
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Stack the buffs ... go to normal maps ... clear only well populated area ... reset the map with Universal Map.
    There you go.
  17. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    Be serious,

    is it possible in 20minutes ?

    I opened this 3D because most of us have seen those players riding the snake mount after 15-20mins from event start .

    Why should I had Screenshotted and posted it to support if even most of us are trying to legitimate that bug / abuse ?
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't know if there is any exploit (I really don't) ... but I was getting something like 20 drops (20 drops not 20 progress) per run.
    I finished the progress bar 30 minutes before the event has ended ... but I was playing slowly and without buffs (except 1 buff from the bonus code).
    So imagine if you are getting 20 drops ... if all of them are x1 ... with buffs that is 20+20x16. That is 340 progress per run but you will get more because not all drops are x1. If 1 run takes 3-4 minutes ... you can definitely finish the progress bar in 30 minutes (with several buffs).
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