So... Where is Gnob ???

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Coograth, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. Coograth

    Coograth Someday Author

    The event info tab says he is in kingshill, but it looks like @Bearer-of-Death was right : he got robbed :(
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  2. Slitrobo

    Slitrobo Forum Connoisseur

    Does this video have anything to do with why he's missing?

  3. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi Coograth,

    Not only was Gnob robbed, he was also kidnapped:)

    I will try to rescue Gnob from Dragan's evil hands and maybe Gnob will reward me with something good and useful:p
  4. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Sure it will, with roasted frog's leg. xD
    Zareyna likes this.
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Pssst ... I told you.
    Finally I have done it!
    Unfortunately I have made minor changes of the plan. :)
  6. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    Well i have heard some rumors ;) gnob was robbed by some passer by then some crazy chickens kidnapped him :eek:poor wee thing ...:(
    Some of us had helped him to escape , he decide to give us reward
    special privilege when he visit kingshill next time :D
    ps .hope this will be this year :p
    AlexgramGR likes this.
  7. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Frog's leg to trade with what? Next thing we will do is to keep that thing for a year or so and then the reward is some stupidity lvl expert, like 2 dyes or 1k ess....
  8. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    lol, i'd hope for something better. I expect something like, you get a random item from gnobs inventory/shop with a big chance to get something cheap and a very small chance to get something big lik battle boar or equipment.
  9. Coograth

    Coograth Someday Author

    thanks guys for the info :)

    so : did anyone get the chance to save him ?
  10. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    German forum has more info even some official one if u can understand German u know what to do .
  11. Coograth

    Coograth Someday Author

    i don't know german...
    but if someone wants to share fell free :)
  12. LuckyOne

    LuckyOne Forum Apprentice

    you can trade the jabbax hand for 5 scrolls: with 1 scroll you can visit the gnob at home, anytime you want. :)
  13. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    In the beginning i was always anxious for Gnob's visit...but these last couple of visits have been very disappointing:(.

    I was looking forward to buy the "Witch Hunter" set...but not anymore:(
    Variable stats = no sell/buy (especially at those prices)

    Gnob can stay in the pit hole and rot for all i care, i won't save him with my other toons...he always brings the same crap, so why even bother.

    For those who don't have a TS is what Gnob will bring (only crap:eek:)
    AlexgramGR and stasis like this.
  14. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Same things over and over again. Bahh i will try to miss his next visit on purpose.
    AlexgramGR and TheInfamous like this.
  15. Coograth

    Coograth Someday Author

    Thanks guys for all the feedback. I finally got the chance to play the event. I completed the quest from Gnob and now I wait for him although he's a cheap ******* :D
    This time again I will not buy anything that he's selling.
    Have an nice game everybody :)
  16. ..Hadi..

    ..Hadi.. Forum Greenhorn

    hi all, i have hat new moon and shoulder's new moon , if i buy the jerkin torso , the bunos will be complete or not ?
  17. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    If your helm and shoulders are old new moon items(old one is called Witch Hunter, new one is Witch Chaser) then probably it will work.
  18. Zareyna

    Zareyna Forum Greenhorn

    ... how bout 50% discount :p
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Why is he giving maps for his cavern, I don't need that map. I don't need to buy anything from him.
    That means another stupid reward.
  20. Teleportist

    Teleportist Advanced

    Yes. Save the guy from the dungeon and you'd at least expect him to give you store discount! Another inventory slot occupied.
    Do the maps allow you to visit him at any time? Where is the forum thread announcing this please?
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