Solstice Man BWS 186k in Five Man Group

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kasherinae, Dec 22, 2013.

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  1. Kasherinae

    Kasherinae Junior Expert

    Are you friggon serious? This is piss poor programming by BP. Dragan was ridiculous too. Please ban me from the forums before I edit this post to contain my true feelings on the subject, which include a lot of vulgarities, both masked and unmasked.

    On a side note: we did kill the bear, which dropped nothing. Compensation of ess and health pots is in order.

    Screw the Nightmare Winter Wonderland.

    No real DK does BWS for full health. So I presume this is a bug that BP does not intend to fix. Either that or it's really EDIT stupid programming.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 24, 2013
  2. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    The reason you don't get a drop from Big Paws is because someone in group was using the winter cloak(Last reward in event progress.) I agree with Frosty Wasteland, pathetic lame drops, and 100% for p2p premium players.
  3. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    That DK boss in nightmare map already heals 70k hp from spin. I don't know why you went in with a group of 5 since he would have double the HP and armor (therefore, double heal from spin) and also more targets to spin.

    For nightmare, all you need to have is just premium and patience.
    Muscle likes this.
  4. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    For a pathetic drop xD
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