Solve this ping!

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Deravga, Jun 3, 2018.

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  1. Deravga

    Deravga Forum Greenhorn

    Since the 209 update, I can not play in a group anymore! When I join the group, my ping goes from 220 to 350 and it only increases. The more people in the group get worse, the more they freeze the whole map and only return to normal after a long time of waiting. My computer is good and my internet is 100 mega fiber optic. I want to play in a group, I need to play in a group, but I can not do it and it's driving me crazy! It's not my internet, it's not my computer and it's happening to many friends of mine too! The game itself is forcing players to stop playing!
    Renanbmk likes this.
  2. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Well... I am getting ping well beyond 350.
  3. Renanbmk

    Renanbmk Forum Greenhorn

    I agree fully, every time I invoke knight (dragan ring), my game hangs frozen, after 5 minutes of waiting the normal game back, however, dragon entrance is 1 minute (60 seconds) lose my pearls, for this bug or This ms, I used to play with 90 ms in a day, do not decrease to 200.: / ...
    Deravga likes this.
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