Some ideas or whatever...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ChristopherPapakaliatis, Jun 19, 2018.

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  1. ChristopherPapakaliatis

    ChristopherPapakaliatis Forum Apprentice

    I'm bored. Here are some ideas I guess...

    -Technical update at crafting legendaries.
    The idea is simple, the newborn item will have spells according to the sequence of those that we used to craft it. The first spell from the first item, the second spell from the second item and so on until the item is made. This way we will be able to predict the exact result of the craft while the necessity of farming our butts off will stay intact. Also, it will be easier for new players to build their characters without significantly decreasing the farming time.

    -Bring back the old sets.
    The Darkness Set(or whatever it is called at this EDIT language) should be sold at higher tiers, the Yachak/Roshan/Spark/Keen set needs a rebalancing and the Legendary King's/Sargon's set should also be available again with better stats.

    -More single uniques.
    Sets are great but they shouldn't be mandatory. Some more options should be available.

    -Ask the players what they want.
    If you want to change an item/set ask the players what they want from it. Roshan's defense is useless for mages. Dwarfs don't need Karabossa's/Magotina's crit. And lastly, the Scorn of the Dragon set is useless to everyone.

    -Completely revamp the one-handed weapons.
    Or completely remove them from the game. Same thing.

    -Some events MUST come back. Terrifying Shadows, invasion events, Desert of essences, Helios games. The current event rotation is just: Dragan, Halloween, Dragan, Winter Solstice Fest, Dragan. With the occasional Kingshill sewers and Defeat the Undefeatables.

    That's it.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 20, 2018
    Veηom likes this.
  2. Khajiit

    Khajiit Forum Apprentice

    +1 for bringing back dark set and improve sargon
    +1 for more diverse unique items (useful of course it would be better)
    +1 for asking but i do not agree, kara/mago is useful for dwarfs because they can now crit with turret.
    -1 for 1h weapons removing, they can still be used in pvp, and they don't really need to change, for pvp it's cool.
    +1 for terrifying shadows, it's been years everyone says it's the best event, and others events should comeback too. Desert of essence would be useful, probably soon have infernal IV, and then probably V,VI.. so why not have a way to farm essence again.
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