Some new ideas.

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Drabis777, Jun 10, 2024.

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  1. Drabis777

    Drabis777 Forum Apprentice

    Here are some new ideas:

    1. Put in game settings under sounds some (un)check boxes to disable/enable sounds. Why? It loads games faster and most of the time I like to play games without too much or any noise around me.

    2. Please do something about Wisdom gains. It's really hard to farm it, add some Wisdom books/chests that can be purchased with Andermant/Gold at the Shop or Merchant(s). Or you can increase the drop size a bit if possible?

    3. Add a second world map that will unlock after completing all the quests on all regions on the first map. As a player that wants to keep playing, the story is what keeps me going, for such a great game as this I daresay that the story is way too short. The game has been around for more that 10 years and yet still no improvement on this matter? Land of Immortals is a joke.

    4. For the second world map, raise the player level cap from 100 to level 150/200, if possible.

    5. Release the 5th toon character that was promised. From what I've seen in Velveteenduck's video on YouTube, it sure does look promising, it is actually the class that I prefer and play the most (on other online games).

    6. Please do something about the PvP system. Change the way it works. Let players sign up and let the system do some auto-matching. No need to wait for others who are online. The enemy in PvP can be run by the game AI, it is possible. I have seen this happen in other online games.

    7. Add in Workbench another Tab that is only exclusive for PW crafting and drops. Figure it out. lol

    If anyone else have some ideas, then please feel free to share them. Have a great day!
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Good ideas, though I've added some feedback below:

    2. Please do something about Wisdom gains. It's really hard to farm it, add some Wisdom books/chests that can be purchased with Andermant/Gold at the Shop or Merchant(s). Or you can increase the drop size a bit if possible?

    There are already runes (... of the wisdom seeker) and group talent options (Scholar in the Knowledge Seeker section) that can boost wisdom drop size (not drop rate, unfortunately). Admittedly, each are more or less expensive to upgrade. Drop rates (and quality) of runes improve as you move up in difficulty levels. Boss farming is most efficient (again, that's assuming you have keys of prowess and fragments of infernal passage [if you want to run on Bloodshed / PW Bloodshed, eventually]). You'll find that wisdom growth reallllly accelerates as you approach end-game status (when you can run events and farm bosses at Merciless and ultimately Bloodshed difficulties, the last 100 levels take only a few months to accumulate, versus a few years for the first 200 levels if you're a casual player).

    7. Add in Workbench another Tab that is only exclusive for PW crafting and drops.

    This already exists: In the Equipment Crafting tab of the workbench, opening up the Equipment Creation option and then a specific equipment category lists all of the real world sets and parallel world & event uniques available for crafting, color coded blue or yellow, respectively (with a few mythic items listed in a pinkish-beige color). You do need to unlock each recipe (typically with 100 corresponding boss kills), and can't see the details of the item until you put at least some of each required material into the workbench. So, yeah it could be improved.

    Perhaps you were just asking the devs to organize things differently, to know which ingredient / raw material can be used to create which item(s)? That also exists: Open the workbench, go to the Boss Ingredients or Event Boss Ingredients tab and right-click on a raw material ... that will cause the workbench to display all items for which you have already unlocked the recipe that require the raw material you chose. To force the workbench to display the details of the item to be crafted, you'll need to add the other materials (e.g., ore and junk equipment item from your inventory that match the category of the equipment you're trying to craft). Again, a bit awkward, but gets you at least half-way to your goal?
    Drabis777 likes this.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    2. If you play solo then you're stuck with just the runes & even at max level the amount that drops can vary wildly.

    There's the mentor bonus you can use if you play other characters that can help some.
  4. khkhSLIFMOOR

    khkhSLIFMOOR Forum Greenhorn

    Pvp was popular in past. All these ideas listed are good.

    other games have level scaling with which low levels can fight high levels in pvp and its equal.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 25, 2024