some question

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by mczap62, Jan 15, 2024.

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  1. mczap62

    mczap62 Forum Apprentice

    is there some kind of account storage, is there an auto-pickup or hot key, is there a way to see exp off mobs?

  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What kind of storage?
    If you mean storage to share things with all toons ... then, no. You can only share Andermant.

    You can only calculate it when values change.

    There is no auto-pickup in DSO.
    You can auto-pickup items in different patterns (but not everything):
    - currencies and some items for all users
    - currencies, quest items and some other items with premium membership, but the range is small ... you need to be close to the items
    - with Deluxe membership everything is same like with premium membership but the range is much wider
    - with certain pets you can pick up gems, runes and cubes depending on the pet
    In the best scenario (using pet and deluxe membership) you pick up everything except equipment (weapons, armor etc)
    mrmlja, Alpaca and G3dd like this.
  3. mczap62

    mczap62 Forum Apprentice

    ty guys for this info