Some tips to improve your gameplay

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Torefas, Dec 11, 2013.

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  1. dragons

    dragons Active Author

    There is also some weird bug with pressing an ALT key.
    I usualy like to bind my keys in games with ALT+1,2,3,4,5...

    When i hold ALT key for some seconds, then I release it, the game seems is no longer the main window.
    Dev's should look into it, it's 100% reproducable.
  2. kaiser

    kaiser Forum Apprentice

    ctrl - alt - delete always works...
  3. dragons

    dragons Active Author

    And then what, close the game? What for?
  4. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    It was windows setting not the game. If you want to use alt make sure you change it on windows setting first.
  5. .aquaventions.

    .aquaventions. Forum Apprentice

    How do I stretch my client?
  6. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    Put your cursor in the edge of the client.
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