Spellwavers build

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sm0Oth, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. Sm0Oth

    Sm0Oth Forum Apprentice

    Can someone help me ? How to invest points in science and skills, that new update it's so ugly and i can't understand something....
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Most Spellweavers are going the way of fire setup for now, which I will agree is the easiest to play.

    Skill Tree:
    • Invest 1/2 Master of Fire (far right)
    • Invest 1/2 Arcane Concentration (a must)
    • Equip everything in the fire column, toss on Teleport for escape, Singularity for armor break, and Mind Control for survivability. Voila, you're on your way.
    Wisdom Tree:
    • Invest 60/60 Mana
    • Invest ?/? (sorry, forgot the number and I logged out. I think it's 80) in the critical value one
    • Invest in either 1h or 2h dmg depending on what weapon you use
    • Invest in either 1h or 2h atk spd depending on what weapon you use
    And there you have it. That's your basic fire SW in a nutshell. I'll probably publish something about my dual mastery SW later on, but who knows. :D
    aBDuLHaMiTHaN likes this.
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