Spelweawer Atak speed

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by -kharin-, Aug 19, 2023.

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  1. -kharin-

    -kharin- Forum Apprentice

    How to make 4.0 Atak Speed with BIG stick?
  2. Darkness90

    Darkness90 Junior Expert

    I aren't mage but use blood mortis ring (lvl 140, drop from mobs) and destruktor torso (lvl145, craftable), both have same uniques values. Put there 4x attack speed enchantments + 10 zircons on each object. Also, if have 80% crit use pet with %crit/damage... + %speed attack. New epic rune from new maps (content expansion). As far as i know, most of mages have 3.3 3.5 attacl speed normally