Spider adornmet

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by SayMyName, Mar 24, 2020.

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  1. SayMyName

    SayMyName Forum Apprentice

    I have nothing against this event, I just think it's one of the worst in the game. How in the hell it is possible that in 4 new moon events (also finished the progress bars) I haven't find this ornament from black kara yet? please, explain the reason why the drop is so low compared to other objects such as the armor of the witches.

    Make a summary of the total runs that I made from this boss now... (I also continued after finishing the event)

    PS. put back Gnob.

  2. KingsGambit

    KingsGambit Forum Expert

    It isn't low, you are just unlucky. Every Magotina unique has same lootrate. It's rng what to explain... You may finish 30 those events and still not get adorment even though it may be standard lootrate. Doesn't matter if it's 10%, 1%, 0,1% or 0,00000001% lowroll. Happens and deal with it.