Feedback Spring Festival 2019

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Mal3ficent, Apr 19, 2019.

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  1. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    BP doesnt cared about this bug too much, since now not a single answer, me too doesnt cared before , but since i wasted all my gold on unsuccesfull craft , i am really mad to see my my mana/hp buff just disappered in Universe.

    BP please give my gold back, one buff 100 mana, one buff 24% hp.
    ΣMiwel likes this.
  2. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    This is supposed to be action RPG game?

    This event is Idle Farming Simulator.

    Where is the RPG part in it? Where is the action?
    Click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click on the eggs and click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click on the map entrances.
    WoW. Much WoW. Very action.

    It seems that the devs had no idea for an event and they just copy pasted stuff from another game... the problem is that they chose some sort of idle farming simulator. Sorry, but I prefer collecting shrooms in super mario to collecting eggs here. There is way more action there.

    Because of that constant repetitive egg collecting the whole event became a single big rotten egg.
    I felt like I ate something unhealthy after collecting just over 10 eggs... while to finish the event I'd have to collect over a thousand more than that.

    Edit: Those festive trolls aren't counted for daily... thanks for bugs, BP!
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Is this some kind of a joke? if not, then this is the EDIT event ever implemented by in a while, only the hunt that at the end gave the sphere for mount were as bad as this ( and they are esplicitly designed to force people to buy the buffs) and i'm not referring to the bug hunt events, those are actually doable and quite enjoyable given the rewards
    But this is trash
    It's boring, it's like perils of time tier of boredom( not like dunes of desolation but not far from that)

    Listen, just because the defeat the undefeatable was quite good doesn't mean that this event has to be bad
    How about you start making good event again and not trash like this?
    I don't think i'll be able to complete the second bar of the event

    So far they only thing this event has going for it is the repeatable quest
    Also the troll in the dungeons has laughable drops, it never drops drakens and never drops the mounts
    And neither those the troll in the secret lairs, which are also bugged, since the chests there drop level 1 items and the guardians are bugged as well

    Seriously hire more people to make a playable game
    And i won't mention the fact that apparently the buffs are bugged and you lose them if you go in cities
    This is unacceptable, how can you make people waste andermants like that?Have a bit of respect to players
    Sugar likes this.
  4. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    Searching eggs can be fun but ...
    As someone else mentioned here before, collecting 13795 eggs one by one in the indicated time is almost impossible.
    Compared to monster hunt, it might be better for monsters to drop your progress.
    Also the prizes to be earned from the progresbar are a bit on the frugal side as it takes players sweat blood and tears to get the progress full.
    Shortly described, badly organized event unfortunately.
    Sugar likes this.
  5. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    The rewards from progress are stupid, and a sane person cannot complete it anyway. I quite like the egg mounts, so I ignore the progress bars and just do a little bit of secret lairs. So in the end, the entire event is nothing but regular secret lairs with an extra troll or two in them :|
    Sugar likes this.
  6. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    Much much better than the latest special offer, that is 21k ander for 14 pink items or, as they call it, a complete set of extraordinary equipment
  7. WilliamMunny

    WilliamMunny Forum Apprentice

    The above summations have hit the nail on the head. This event is a steaming turd and the devs should be ashamed of themselves for their feeble efforts. I will not even attempt to complete this event and any progress garnered will be as a result of accidental encounters with event trolls and eggs. Thanks for another EDIT event.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 20, 2019
    Sugar likes this.
  8. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    This is the worst event I have ever played in over 5 years playing this game. The drop rate is an absolute joke... terrible job by the Developers.
    Sugar likes this.
  9. Sugar

    Sugar Forum Greenhorn

    I'm sorry to be a downer, but I have to agree. I've done the event for 4 hours and only have collected 44 eggs, and spent about 20 secret lair offerings, but am worried that I haven't a mount yet. This event does differ from other events. Instead of feeling excited at overcoming the obstacles, I am tense with worry this is impossible and perhaps only achievable by the very strong players. The daffodil should have been easier for newer players like me to achieve. I'd been so excited about it. Very sad. Thank everyone else for posting about their disappointment too. Back to run and click. :(
  10. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    it's not as bad as dunes of desolation, but that doesn't justify this trash fire

    the question here is not about being strong in farming, but strong enough to overcome boredom

    Suggested improvements: increase drop rates for false eggs, make it random, eggs should be able to drop 1 5 10 false eggs
    the gnob that spawns in the dungeons should have a chance to false eggs as well, maybe randomized between 10 50 100 eggs
    And it should have a small chance to drop a mount
    the gnob that spawns in the secret lairs should drop the mounts with high frequency, given how limited the access to it is
    here, it doesn't seem unreasonable
    Maybe the numbers maybe a little off, but hey, i'm a player not a developer EDIT
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 20, 2019
  11. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    So... you say that this event is really good and it worths to give almost 40k or more andermants to finish it, and spend your game time by reentering a map and klicking eggs? Not to mention that few people have 50k ander just from farm. Its clearly an event for payers. At least it could give them something good as a reward. Now i find it rediculous when someone spend so many anders for that crap.
  12. vannick242

    vannick242 Forum Apprentice

    I think the new "Spring Festival" event is made by people who have never played this game. This event is impossible to complete in two weeks.
    louloumimi and .iulian96. like this.
  13. menestrelul

    menestrelul Someday Author

    It's almost impossible to do.
    I play in stonekeep inf 3 ... always give 7 eggs per turn.
    So, I have to make 928 map shifts for the first progress bar.For the second ... over 1000.
    I have to buy a glucose infusion from the pharmacy, and maybe I can finish the first progress bar.:rolleyes:
  14. D3monius

    D3monius Forum Greenhorn

    I play this game for 5 months now, i like events, gives life to dead-end game, this event it's not worth it, really the developers should watch other gaming companies. I understand that drakesang is a pay to win/pay to play game but this event is smashing our heads, leaving no options to stop playing for a while. Really stupid event. In conclusion, just a to know, i am guildmaster my feedback by my guild is:1,5 ppl out of 40 in my guild are playing the event, all the others are playing other games like me until this event ends.... gratz guys
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  15. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    this event is not a festival, it's a torture session

    And it's also probably unfinished
  16. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Personally I'd like a word from the Devs (not moderators) about the droprate and the actual time / runs it takes to complete this event. Just give us your "official statement" about our complaints. Something. Anything.

    Seriously, I'd like.. and we all would like to know the thought process behind the decisions..
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  17. .iulian96.

    .iulian96. Forum Apprentice

    My feedback: too tedious , i better watch grass grow ,(thanks for the egg mounts, i got a nice one and some clovers), the egg hunt should be fun instead i can hear my brain cells crying in despair, increase the drop stack pls.
  18. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Been playing this game almost five and a half years and this is the worst event I have seen. Progress drop rate is a joke. You would have to run in and out of the maps twenty hours a day to finish with out buffs. You would have to spend 100k ander for buffs to finish in a reasonable time frame. There are no rewards worth 100k ander in the progress bars. You can buy 10 radiant gems with 100k ander. It is a waste of time for serious players, and impossible for casual players. The developers destroyed PVP, now they are destroying the events. Soon there will be no game. A million dollar business going down the drain. All because a couple of developers can't keep their egos in check.
    navelko likes this.
  19. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    Original post was THE ONLY positive feedback, but I chose 2 delete it cuz mods dont think my language was "the Queens english" enough...

    Mods: Get off Ur high horse and STOP contributing 2 the bad feeling amongst the community!

    4 SHAME MODS!!! 4 shame!

    U are truely the guys that RUINS the community and SPIRIT of this game!

    Go shame Urselves in a corner and come back when U wanna contribute in making this game BETTER instead of WORSE! ...When U wanna promote GROWTH instead of DEMISE!

    Now go hide untill U are rdy 2 work 4 the game, instead of Ur egoes!
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
    Arr likes this.
  20. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    The event would have been ok if we didnt need to pay 10 buffs in total (40k + ander ) for a trash costume and retarded mount. You basically buy them. If the drop was doulbed atleast it would have been ok
    If i want a costume or a mount welp everything else is good.
    Clovers ? They NERFED the spawn chance of goblins months ago. This is basically compensation that came too late.
    so many clovers ? The max with the buff actuive is like 500 clovers. Atleast with my 150 enterances and 2hours can do. Clovers are kinda ok But ..... why do we have the progress if the event is clover related. It makes no sence ? Like going on a party to realise you can study there, NO POINT
    Either the lairs should give eggs or idk separate them
    Plus Drakensang is probably not Dragon song, this is how you understand it. Dragons ? We have dragon mounts. And mobs. They are not all over the place but that would be unreasonable to do
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
    ΣMiwel likes this.
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