Spring solstice - preparation

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by ResilienzaItalia, Jul 15, 2022.

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  1. ResilienzaItalia

    ResilienzaItalia Forum Greenhorn

    I CANNOT FIND IN ANY MAP TICKETS FOR KALODORO MAP. Are them only in the shop ? did you tried to find them in the maps of arkania ? Impossible to find. Raise the ratio to 100% each map i start else your stupid event is Unlikeble e sure, unplayable!!
  2. Talbor

    Talbor Padavan

    You should get 2 (I think) from daily login. I found a couple while farming the desert map & got 1 from the Kaladoro map. Although that one was wasted when they took the server down or whatever they've done :p
  3. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Depends on whether or not your time is precious. If it's not precious, go farm worthy monsters. If it's precious, go buy the Ferry Bundle from the shop (hotkey: T). It's like 499 anders/box, limit of 1 per day and perfectly solves lazy people (like me) problems.
    1vanka likes this.
  4. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Not that I care about the game anymore, but I did a few runs out of boredom. It seems that tickets do not drop at low difficulty levels, but if you go to Kalodoro in blood / merci mode you should find 3-5 each run just killin' mobs around.
  5. parisxdddd

    parisxdddd Forum Greenhorn

    Personally I play on excrusiating and I have at least one drop per run so I can constantly keep playing.