SSL error after new update

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Lax, Mar 14, 2024.

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  1. Lax

    Lax Forum Greenhorn

    Hi guys, i got ssl(handshake?) error after the new update. I have certificates instaled, deleted DSO temp folder, restarted pc, folowed all steps from thread where the fix is explained etc(i already had those certificates and the problem occurred but still reinstaled them). Still can not download the game, anyone knows what the problem is, w7 btw.?
  2. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    try to see the expiry date of the installed certificates and update them if necessary.
    Also check that the PC date/time is up to date

    Most Windows 7 PCs can be upgraded to Windows 10 simply by increasing the RAM to 8GB and possibly a small SSD.
    Windows 10 has also entered the end-of-life phase
  3. Lax

    Lax Forum Greenhorn

    Yea well, just upgraded to w10, deleted temp folder, reinstaled client and same thing...
    PS. Time/Date is correct. Expiry date of certificates is 2035/2040?.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
  4. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    I have always thought that upgrading from a lower Windows version also drags with it billions of useless things, and often also rubbish, left on the disk from previous uses: this might be your case too.

    Even if you are now on Win10, and even if you see that the certificates are not expired, check if it is possible to update them as described in the official workaround. Maybe it could solve your issue, who knows.
  5. Lax

    Lax Forum Greenhorn

    Ok, so i made it work somehow. Changed the target in Dso shortcut from 64 to 32 and it started downloading the game... Idk what, how or why this happened but its working now.o_O I returned after download has been completed to 64 and its still working...
    Tnx for the replies guys.
    @Javah I know its stupid to just upgrade system without previously cleaning everything but it was the only option for me atm.
    Javah likes this.
  6. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Uh that's pretty curious. I even don't imagine how you came up with changing the client addressing to try to resolve a certificate issue... but good for you if it worked. So wish you a good game :)