Suggestion Starting Again!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by themadtrig, Jun 4, 2017.

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  1. themadtrig

    themadtrig Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, i stoped game long time ago than i enter today i see lots things changed. I talked to couple of my friend and they says me these;
    1. DK= u have to spend lot of time or money
    2. Dwarf= Good but after release better start other char
    3. Ranger= pretty hard to build good one but than build , terminator
    4. Mage= no idea??
    So i would like to ask is it better to play as mage or ranger. I watch videos and made lil research and i like ranger one but what scary me is that friends told "hard to build"

    I'm waiting for answers thnx all!
  2. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    all can be real good and all can be real bad it depends on time and effort put in If not interested in PvP would say dwarf is the easiest
  3. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    All the same. Back to what play style do you like.
    The one who make it harder is the player him/her self.
    This time I suggest to play with plan, persistence, patience, stubborn, consistence.. oh almost forgot.. guts to gamble(on workbench). These would make the hardest become easier.
  4. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    If you like one style best, then that is the obvious choice. If a character choice bores you, then you won't play as much.

    If no preference, in my opinion they rank like this.

    Dwarf = Easiest and the cheapest to build, no doubt about it. Drop turrets, run around in circles, rinse and repeat. Once you get a decent build, group and guild requests will keep you busy as many hours as you wish to play.

    DK = The last few major releases basically killed this class. If you want to build a tank and just spam the aggro button while other classes kill the monsters and bosses, this is for you. If you build a 1h tank, you will get plenty of groups. I'm not sure that building a really great 2H is possible now with all the stupid changes that DSO has implemented. If (and it's a big if) you want to go this route, plan on it taking a very, very long time and pray that DSO doesn't further take away great sets or items from this class.

    Ranger = (caveat) I have very limited playing time with Ranger, but I've also seen that this class with enough time invested or money can be a superior monster killer. Despite this, many other players don't understand how valuable a Ranger can be, so getting groups can be difficult.

    Mage = Pretty much the forgotten class these days. Due to some imbalance, so many players switched to Dwarf and the mage kind of fell out of favor. With plenty of time, effort and maybe money, a mage can be formidable, but won't be many calls for grouping.
  5. Arx_X

    Arx_X Advanced

    no matter which class you pick , you're down on a very important resource... saphires and their AS.
    so if you have saphires left on the chars from the old playing time, i would tkae them. All items can be replaced, and every skill remastered, but those saphires ain't comming back any time soon (if ever)
  6. themadtrig

    themadtrig Forum Greenhorn

    last question :) DK vs Dwarf?
  7. Unagiri

    Unagiri Someday Author

    Very different play styles. Again, look at the brief summary by Rhysingstar. So, depends on what you're looking for.

    I played both - level 48 Dk and level 23 SM, and I got bored with the dwarf, though he was easier to play than the DK.
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