Feedback State of DSO: Leave your Feedback!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Oessian, Sep 10, 2021.

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  1. CH1976

    CH1976 Forum Apprentice

    With the new team they are finishing killing the game. Last month only one event in the month. Now, the witch event only lasted a little over a day, more scents and wolf ... Nothing that makes a player want to sit down and play ... There are hardly any players online lately ... Either they do something quick, or this new team is going to be worse than the old one.
    tozagol likes this.
  2. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    The game is too easy, there is nothing more to be done. There is nothing and to engage the end game characters we need Bloodshed 3. Where is the pve and pvp end game?
  3. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    Where is the "sell all" button for the inventory window, we are asking since years now ? And with this number or gems and runes, a "grind all" button should be there as well.

    About pvp, add a capture the flag mode where the char level or the items, gems, etc.. doesn't matter. Where everyone is equal and the only difference between players is the class and player's skills. And don't make it one shoot kill. So may players don't play pvp now, or just do the daily because are not strong enough. I would play pvp everyday, but I'm not even close to that level of gems and runes and probably I won't be for months to come. Plus that I would like to play pvp with all 4 classes, but I can barely farm with my main char, the other 3 will never be pvp level. The pvp matches in this game are very nice when are balanced.
    Keep the current pvp modes, where item stats and gems matter, for the vanitous, keep leaderboards and give them prizes. But why not giving us also one pvp mode where we can all play from equal to equal, for fun, not for showing off what big farmers we are ?
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2021
  4. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    Nerfed Gem drops they seem to be very poor even from 5 Blood Chests in last 12 hours ?
  5. Melkor

    Melkor Forum Greenhorn

    Well today was hotfix for bugs and ghost festival, but bug what last for 6 weeks and I mean PvP... there is available to play only 3v3 deadmatch and duels, nothing else! 6 weeks, no response, no ansfer from support even admins doesnt know anything. SAD
    stasis likes this.
  6. EriduSerpent

    EriduSerpent Forum Apprentice


    So when are you going to start working on the game, give us some information.
    I will come back as and when you sort this out.
    Basically I am boycotting the game, I am not prepared to throw more money
    down the toilet. I am sure others are doing the same.
    You post a question then do nothing for may be the NEW DSO team,
    but you are acting like those before you.
    tozagol, stasis and Самма like this.
  7. rolandxr7

    rolandxr7 Someday Author

    There are if they say what problems they have solved, that I have spoken with many players and they have not solved anything, as they always sell smoke and they do not fall ashamed ...
    tozagol, EriduSerpent and stasis like this.
  8. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    How about the ability to "login" to forums from the actual game.... click the link and BAM!!!!!!!! you are in the forums AND logged in!!!
    This having to open another page and login again is crap....This is tech from 20 friggin years ago!!!! The first forums we had we could go straight to from within the game... but these forums are junk!!! have been every since you moved. Yes, I am THAT old of a player that I remember the OLD FORUMS!!!!!!
    cigarbennett and tozagol like this.
  9. EriduSerpent

    EriduSerpent Forum Apprentice

    Well if they don't I may well ask for ALL of my money back
  10. novecento

    novecento Forum Expert

    Where is our bonus code ?! The old team was greedy, but when they left, they gave good codes. I already forgot what a bonus code is. New team are you here? We are already tired of your inaction.

    Moderators, tell these greedy people that the people are demanding a bonus code.
    OopsFoos and tozagol like this.
  11. RagePowered

    RagePowered Forum Greenhorn

    By people, you mean yourself? I'd prefer if they made significant improvement on the game than gave away free stuff.
  12. novecento

    novecento Forum Expert

    I asked for your wishes and comments? If you do not like it, do not read, do not quote, pass by. You can leave your comment whatever you want, I don't mind. And yes ... do not use the bonus code when it is available.
    tozagol likes this.
  13. Владимир

    Владимир Forum Apprentice

    Attention developers! It is very important. Shadows of the Past 11/12!
    Correct the quest or remove this crap from the game. The quest doesn't work. I cannot complete the quest and cannot enter the Parallel World. Correct or remove part 11/12.
  14. KulawyMao

    KulawyMao Exceptional Talent

    srly? u great idea how improve the game are bonus codes? nc
    this is FORUM so? if u dont want to be commented so...dont write ath here? ^:-
    another one
    1 there was milion x questions and answers what to do with this
    2 u don't need this to play
    3 it's small bug = go bugstory topic
    4 u dont need this quest to go to the cardhun(maybe it was changed, last time i do this on rise event)
    EriduSerpent likes this.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Chill dude, they got this. The quest has only been broken for like 7-8 months ... it usually takes 2-3 years to fix complex issues like this one ;)
    tozagol and ToTus like this.
  16. novecento

    novecento Forum Expert

    I forgot to ask you what to write to me. Have you tried reading 11 pages of what the players want? Read my post carefully - I want the actions of the developers, they are not, I do not see them.
    tozagol likes this.
  17. vincfang888

    vincfang888 Forum Apprentice

    The shadows portal in the Tegan Sanctuary
  18. Arteza

    Arteza Forum Apprentice

    Positive opinion:
    -Fun to read the forum, better than the game.

    Negative opinion:
    -no minor changes
    -empty promise. "We, the new DSO team, will serve the game with heart and soul as we should."

    Probably the heart and soul of the dso team is now hoping only in the wallets of new players. Pathetic...
    I say goodbye to everyone.
    EriduSerpent and tozagol like this.
  19. Владимир

    Владимир Forum Apprentice

    I have 100 lvl but I cant get into Cardhun:(

  20. KulawyMao

    KulawyMao Exceptional Talent

    bc u need to do some quest but not this one
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