Feedback State of the Game.

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Jacoin, Dec 23, 2023.

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  1. Jacoin

    Jacoin Forum Greenhorn

    Hello there.

    This post is not a "rage" post. Or "trash talk" post. I've been following the game since it first came out. I was here during all its ups and downs, the good and the bad. I loved it, and I still do. But it's very, very hard to do so in the present. There is no communication. No nothing. The game has been, quite literally, unplayable since that tree came out. Discord is the only place where we have a sad excuse of a functioning place to talk about the game. And even there, not even one official member is present to inform us about stuff. 90% of the player base is spamming that tree, for infinite amounts of free stuff, jewels, IPs, and premium. Many players got their premium bricked. The game has been transformed into an auto-clicking idler-bug. And since then, we have heard absolutely nothing from the game management and developers. What is going on? Are people working on it? Is anyone there? We are truly desperate. Please, talk to us. This game was an absolute masterpiece in the past. And it has turned into this.
    I'm not hating. I am really not. I'm just so, so sad and disappointed.

    Please, people, talk to us. Talk to your player base. Treat us the way we deserve to be treated.
    Subaru18 and OPΛ like this.
  2. OPΛ

    OPΛ Forum Apprentice

    Nobody cares, there are so many people disspleased with their attitude and lack of action and they don't do anything... This is just dissrespectful towards so many players that invested so much time and resources in their game. No ammount of rewards will ba able to compensate what they just did. GAME IS UNPLAYABLE - LAG EVERYWHERE