Steamies and R209

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by FourWingedAngel, May 30, 2018.

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  1. FourWingedAngel

    FourWingedAngel Forum Apprentice

    What's your opinion on the incoming changes?

    Turrets being destroyable seem a huge factor.
  2. Erebus

    Erebus User

    There were, and there are dedicated feedback threads for stating your opinions and concerns on the implemented changes, you should focus your efforts there, or guide this thread through a different perspective, like discussing optimal builds and strategies post R209, just be sure to post on topic regarding each thread and we'll all be good to go, otherwise I'll have to close this thread, best regards.
  3. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    They forced to dismiss 7/10 of our equipment just to make the class even more broken tahn before.
    I still need to get the point I was with my ASPD gear (need to get T6 stuff and 5th slot on some items, since I had only a couple of hours to set all the tranfers) and the "destroyable turrets" turned into "wonderful meat shields", crit on turrets made things like mechanical and tesla just awesome, no steam from Tactical turrets turned to be a "ops, the misleadin description didn't hit the mark, it just does everything you need wihout investing any skill points" and I could go on.
    The patch was clearly ment for PvP (where dwarfs needed a major boost) but things went way too high and they basically missed the target (since the fact we were forced to move to crits was wrong and uneeded).

    In 2 day the whole game population will come here to whine a river.
  4. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    We didnt asked for crit.. other classes cried why dwarf dont build to crit, here we go..
    After i changed my whole gear ,even from bloodrune, if they do anything more with my class i never ever came back to this game.
    Last edited: May 31, 2018
    Dirysin likes this.
  5. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    Apart from the dwarfs who have transformed their attack speed build,to a critic one.They are more than happy,despite the fact that turrets are destructible,trust me.
    I 've seen a video in which a dwarf was fighting heredur together with a tank (release 209).Heredur was busy fighting the tank , which gave the SM the opportunity to use oil slick to the boss,in order to make use of the skill's 3rd talent,which is a perfect combination with the q7 set.He also used the tesla group talent which grants immunity and +50% attack speed.Given that he was also using the q8 set and red ess,the boss was dead in less than 20 seconds.He wasn't using bombs though, which have been buffed to an extent.For group play that's probably the most destructive combination of all.
    Solo play for the class is not dead at all as many claim.Mechanical turrets deal huge damage with critic and they can be placed somewhere safe.The automated turrets though,have to be placed wisely.
  6. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    while you need to watch videos on youtube I can actually play the class and I suppose you got some comprhension problem to post what you writed. I nowhere said the update was a nerf, instead I said it was an unneed changement (if you can understand the difference). They forced me to switch my equipment (which, trust me, is far better than the one of the dwarf you had in the video since i got those timings solo on blue ess). The point is, I'm far better than before and ppl will regret they asked for crits and destroyable turrets (funny is no dwarf asked for this) and guess what? I'm not happy either because I never asked to be buffed nor to trash 2/3 of my hardly farmed equipment. The most obvius thing is, they will do another nerf/change after even more ppl have rebuilt their characters and even more ppl will complain.
    What they should have done was to listen to who actually play the class and not random whiners over the forum but the bright side of this is those whiners, for at least some time, will hardly regret it, because now dwarfs will infest arenas as you can't even imagine and I'm ready for the show
  7. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    And you were wrong.When half your attack speed gear became completely useless,you were suddenly left with the wrong build and you had focused on the wrong aspects of your stats ,you think that you weren't nerfed?Ofcourse you were, you and every other A.S. Dwarf.However,the critic dwarfs were buffed,as now the turrets deal critical hits too.

    I don't know a lot of things about whiners,but I certainly know one thing: They wanted your class to be nerfed,not buffed.Who in the right mind would buff the strongest in terms of damage class?These people wanted to see destructible turrets,not turrets with same HP as the dwarf and critical hit rate.I personally,without whining at all,believed that getting critic would be inevitable, because you can't just ignore a part of your stats,the others don't and be as fast or even faster than the other classes.

    Btw I was pointing out how strong a critic dwarf is,compared to an attack speed one now and as Erebus suggested I mentioned some useful strategies for release 209.

    Wait,you changed your equipment and became multiple times better than before,right?So what's the problem?Whoever got downgraded to lower modes,doesn't know how to improve now and how to get better items from lower modes and you 're complaining because your stats and your performance is out of this world?Any difficulties you might have had on making your new build were rewarded 100%.Critic is here to stay and if your damage output remains the same,you 'll soon need more challenges,because(as always)the dwarf will be in advantage.This time in pvp as well?Poor you.I wish we all had such hardships...
  8. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Seriusly do something about those comprehension troubles.
    The problem is that it's not Christmas nor my birthday and I've well passed the 15 yo stages in which I though the more I had the more I deserved so I'm not loking for surprise gifts.
    They buffed dwarfs as a "compensation" because they deliberatly trashed all the time we spent farming? Is this your corrupted logic or the logic you want sustain? If you were asking for a nerf wasn't enough to ask for a NERF? You had to ask for a change in the behaviur of a class for an unwritten rule, present only in your weat dreams?
    Gimme back my builds and gimme the chance to switch, at my discretion, to other builds. This is what was needed and not the random suggestions by ppl than never used the class.
    Now you got what you asked, crits for dwarfs and destroyable turrets thinkin this would have nerfed the class, it backfired hardly, everyone that asked for it will suffer and my pop corns are ready for the show, you'll bring the salt.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  9. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    I still dont understand why you cant see how big buff it was ? I mean its pretty much gona take out your eyes.
    My friend is dwarf who has items with 3 /4 crit dmg on rings and bad crafts in general he is like 290 % crit dmg and 24k dmg with 22k crit cahnce, and he deals 60K PER HIT of the red turrrets adn thats x2 since they are two and he is also firing basic atacks for 40k... so 60k+60 +40k =160per sec for 10 sec and thats if we dont include the q7 set buff ,....... and that is out damaging my 360% crit dmg adn 29k fair right,,,,, 60K IS A LOT OF DPS for such a low stat so stop saing it wasnt a buff im not crying for a nerf ir anything just stop being airhead for no reason.
  10. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    The 3 steps anyone shoud do before posting:
    - read
    - understand
    - write
    Sometimes first and second could be switched the third must stay the latter.
    Said this I won't spend time trying to reply (there's nothin to add and you've never been my target, my "readers" are always been the ones that should "report" what I write but since what I tested has been already written in the proper sections I won't re-post them again there).
    The only warning I can give you and anyone that wants to compete with me about math and gameplay about dwarfs, just don't. It will end bad for you. You said so many bs about dwarf's dmg I'm doing you a favor not posting the real stats. Just leave this section untill you have some credibility left
  11. radiantsapphire

    radiantsapphire Forum Apprentice

    I think he is saying just that, he is saying that dwarfs got a huge buff. He is also saying that this buff was totally unnecessary, and happened only because people just wanted the dwarfs to have to consider crit in their build, which they thought was a big advantage before to not have to consider it in only focusing on building damage and attack speed. People just don't get it, it is equally hard to build a character with or without crit. It is not like it will be easier to craft an item with four golden lines of damage than four golden lines of crit. Now the people who asked for this will find that this change has made the dwarfs really strong, and thinking ahead, he thinks this will lead to more crying, crying to nerf the class. And for what? Dwarfs were fine without crit, are fine with crit, but are not fine with people who do not play the class and are saying mindless comments to influence them. The whole point of his post is to state that the change towards dwarfs was not what he wanted, he had very good items without crit which he worked very hard to get, because of the forced change he again worked very hard to get nice items with crit, and will be very unhappy if this leads to future nerfs.
    Saved_81 likes this.
  12. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    Damn my homie said it :D

  13. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    So instead of replying to me seriosly you decided to go the full sarcastic way adn ignore what im saying niceeeeeeee
    What i wrote has absolutely nothing in common with what you are implying, what i wrote was to Saved_91, so stop crying that we are speaking for dwarf nerf, dont act like a spoiled child i was just saying that crit dwarfs are not weaker than full dmg dwarfs since crit dwarf beats mage who has better stats. Thats all you all didnt understand my words and now you rant me..

    "but are not fine with people who do not play the class and are saying mindless comments to influence them":
    Really ? So let m,e get it straight you only play dwarf and you know nothing about other classes ? if so then its your problem im playing all without a tank so dont BS me with such statements
  14. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    You and @Saved_81 are saying the same thing, that's what you didn't understand, or at least it seems like it.
    The only complaint was about he had crafted aspd gears for nothing, since now (except gloves :D) they are all useless.

    Back in the topic, I think SM that complain about being weaker than before are the ones that are still using aspd gear, with 15% crit rate, or either are using the same skills they used before r209.
  15. radiantsapphire

    radiantsapphire Forum Apprentice

    Wow, so if BP tells you in advance that the aspd gears you've crafted for so long with great effort will be useless, tells you to re-craft them into crit items in a short period of time, you will be okay with that? And someone comes along and says this R209 is not a nerf but a great buff to dwarfs? Then I suggest you should try throwing away most of your crafted items and say that is not a nerf. It is not that other classes don't know stuff about dwarfs, it is about ignoring the fact that they already spent a lot of effort building their character, then be forced to rebuild. Don't tell me that using the same aspd items after R209 is a great buff.
  16. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Just a friendly reminder, keep the conversation polite.

  17. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    To begin with I didn't ask or whine about anything.

    Furthermore,I never said your class was buffed to compensate the currently useless attack speed gear.I said that the critic dwarfs were buffed because their build was boosted.

    Let me make this part crystal clear:

    It is blatantly obvious that I wasn't reffering to your class: I said that YOU personally changed your equipment and you became better,because of these adjustments.So you changed side and went to the winning one,the critic dwarfs.And now with better potential for both PVE and PVP you 're still complaining that you were "forced" to change your set.Well guess what?If you trully love your attack speed gear, keep it that way.The conditions are different,but if you want to have it so badly,go ahead.Support your build and your uniqueness and keep your build the way it was,in the name of diversity.You 'll be a little slower,but isn't remaining as you were before everything you asked for?Well you don't have to ask it, just switch your gear back.

    You know what?I think that you are willing to change anytime.If you weren't you would have quitted the game.What are you farming for?To have more options both in pve and pvp and use these options whenever you want to.A couple of years ago I was using vargulf's set to farm.I loved the set,as it was convenient and I always enjoyed 1handed builds.When the pws emerged I had to use a 2h weapon and I changed my build completely.Now that I got used to using this build,it feels nice,even better than before.Change isn't always a bad thing.It's fascinating,it makes you want to experiment.If I had to switch my setting now,I would do it again.Drakensang is a game in which every release might ,completely change/remove anything you had taken for granted.Therefore change is a certainty here.

    Ofcourse it is hard,no one would dispute that.However, as I said ,is it not irrational having the same or even better performance than somebody else who is working more?In this case for the critic build.Everyone knew that dwarfs would be a lot better,with critical hit rate/critical damage.Adding them too the strongest in terms of damage class just like that,would definitely make issues arise.

    My response to that won't be salty at all.Being arrogant because you are in advantage now, is not really cool though. I understand completely.I honestly do,because I ( just like everyone else ) 've been there.Both there and in the need to change.As I told you,I had to leave behind what I had taken for granted too and at first it was an unpleasant experience.However,the only thing you can do ,is try to look on the bright side and adapt to it.To conclude, I don't want to "fight" with someone if we 're saying and have experienced the exact same things.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
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