Stellar Gold

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Mr.Poitin, Nov 27, 2023.

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  1. Mr.Poitin

    Mr.Poitin Forum Apprentice

    Again same situation like last few events. What is this joke?!
    500 runs for this regards, are you joking with us?
    Idk rly what happened with you, who made this decision about game?
    What grade did he have in mathematics??
    Alex_Thor and CiscoNetPlus like this.
  2. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand


    Runs Merciless:
    Bar I : 85
    Bar II : 152
    Bar III: 237

    Total Runs: 474

    Runs Bloodshed:
    Bar I : 50
    Bar II : 90
    Bar III: 139

    Total Runs: 279
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
    55baba55 likes this.
  3. Alex_Thor

    Alex_Thor Advanced

    who plays with 3-4 classes, can you imagine how many maps they have to play? :eek:
    Mr.Poitin likes this.
  4. Kingman.

    Kingman. Forum Apprentice

    Yet again cannot buy the attire even to help. Why the hell can you never buy attire at the start of the event?? Even then buying attire that lasts 10 days for an event that lasts 7 is not exactly value for money, but to expect people to get this much gold without even the limited amount of help the attire offers is ridiculous.
    Have been looking forward to a new event, but you know i really dont think i can be bothered with wasting so much time on it and to be honest i am struggling to even be bothered to log in for events impossible to finish
    55baba55 likes this.
  5. Mr.Poitin

    Mr.Poitin Forum Apprentice

    I won't spend 2800 fragments for this rewards. Its not problem about 300 or 500runs. Its about for what.
  6. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    The event tab description says collect realm paths to Skyfall arena from all Sentinel's. I have killed more then two dozen Sentinel's on more then half dozen diff maps merciless and blood. I have got zero realm paths to Skyfall arena.

    Is the description wrong? Or is the event glitched?
  7. birokaaa

    birokaaa Forum Apprentice

    I'm not worried about that.:cool: I can't access the map (error 36)...:(

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Great rewards for little time invested!

    No reason to complain guys...

    any news about DtU ? lol