Still can't complete Death Ring quest for 2 months.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .maes., Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. .maes.

    .maes. Someday Author

    Of course, if the cost of defeating Mortis was close to the cost of defeating Khaly, i wouldn't be writing here.
    But after 2 presumed fixed in 2 releases, I still can't complete the quest.
    The screenshots show everything.
    10 Mortis frags in inventory.[​IMG]
    only 4 found by the quest.[​IMG]
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    The worst part is they don't seem to care about it. If they did, the very least they could do is issue a formal apology; such as in a video blog or something. Slightly better would be to issue a pack of resources (to everyone who has Mortis frags in their inventory and can't use them) along with the apology. Better yet would be to actually fix the thing, along with the aforementioned steps.
  3. marcush75m

    marcush75m Forum Apprentice

    same story with me... but im to lazy to write to support... cuz they answer only after 2 weeks or so lol
  4. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    My apologies from the team for the long delay. We are aware that the Ring of Death quest is still broken and we are planning a compensation for those who have been patiently holding on to these fragments.

    A few scripts intending to fix this error have failed, and team is having to start over again. Some of these persistent game errors (including the Christmas offhand) are proving to be more complicated than expected.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2014
  5. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Well, thanks for that news and the apology on behalf of the team. I know I'm starting to sound a bit like a broken record with my criticisms. I guess, like a lot of others, the long delay is frustrating me. At least I'm not cursing and screaming and getting banned. For my part, I'll try not to criticize the programmers in every post I make. It's getting kind of old now anyway :D

    Also, I know these must be complicated fixes or the team would have them accomplished already. I'm sure they don't like failing any more than any other human on the planet, especially when a lot of people are looking to them to get the job done. I'm glad to hear they're still trying, and the fact that a comp package is in the works is welcome news. That should serve to smooth some of the ruffled feathers a bit (p.s. some red essences in that package would be nice) ;)
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    What about the people who got fed up with waiting and compleated theirs by turning in 15 powerful frags for the quest?
  7. .maes.

    .maes. Someday Author

    Just a little update. After killing 1 mortis, the count was updated from 4 to 10. And yet, having all checkmarks, I still can't complete because there is no button for that.[​IMG]
  8. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    How many do you actually have in your inventory/locker? Sometimes Oob/HOD quests are marked as complete but they are not , and the quest will not be completed and accepted until the correct number of frags are had.
  9. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Check .maes.'s original post. I think there were at least ten frags (six bugged and four non-bugged ones) before this latest (supposed) fix. [That is, unless something changed since the first post.]

    On a personal note:
    I'm fed up and sick to death of this quest and its never-ending bug(s). I'm not even going to rehash what I think of the compensation package or, more accurately, what I think of the lack of compensation for many players affected. The only thing that would have been worse than this debacle is not having a repeatable quest at all. So I guess the quest is not a 100% failure. It's only mostly a failure. Congratulations, I guess, on trying and (sort-of) not completely failing... after many ignominious attempts.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
  10. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    @Multi-Sev Ouch! I think the quest is still broken. But as I have originally stated I have had instances when doing quests in Oob, where somehow the quests were marked as completed when in fact they were not. It was upon trying to turn in that I discovered the problem. I am subject to correction. I think I am threading on very thin ice here, no pun intended to those inundated by bad weather.
  11. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Actually, you are right; it could be marked complete but still need more, stranger things have happened! My brother had a similar thing occur in PoS PW. He had 10 Khalys frags (from when the requirement was still only 10 not 20) but the check-mark still marked it as complete even though he needed 10 more for the "new" quest. However, we don't know if he could have completed it with 10 since he didn't want the new boots and armor and he abandoned it due to the time it would have taken to collect all the small and medium frags.
  12. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    @Multi-Sev , the " ouch" was directed at your less than generous assessment of the efforts of BP.

    Sorry for the side.
  13. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    After I posted my last post, I thought that maybe that was the case :)

    As far as sides (off-topics?) go, I pretty-much can't help it and I mostly stopped apologizing :D If I get at least one thread-relevant point into each of my rambles, I feel like I accomplished something!
    Superme likes this.
  14. Kasherinae

    Kasherinae Junior Expert

    He's going to hate life if they ever introduce a new parallel world and it requires POS completion. I kindof took the alteration of Dragon Caverns to be an early indicator that Teganswall and beyond would eventually become parallel worlds.
  15. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    I had anticipated that a long time ago. I just hate the thought of Herald being a PW boss. He is my boogie man in this game.
  16. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Still easier than Khaly or Mortis.
  17. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Maybe but I have always harboured a deep fear of Herald. So much so that I refuse to even do him on normal.
  18. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't imagine why he would "hate life" from losing 10 Khalys frags. Khalys fragments are easy to get with any semi-competent group. I'm sure he can farm ten Khalys fragments in not much time at all.
  19. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    If you have 10 or more fragments and cannot turn in the quest for the Ring of Death, it would be a bug. Please capture a screenshot of the Powerful fragments in your inventory and the quest log and send it in to support.
  20. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    Update: Players who had the wrong fragments are still facing the problem that the quest cannot be finished.

    The Support team will be able to force a completion of the quest if you have the necessary number of fragments. Submit a ticket with your character details (User ID, server, character name) and an image of your Ring of Death quest log.
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