Suggestion Stop the dull endgame

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizzo90, Aug 31, 2015.

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  1. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    Endgame in pve looks like this:
    1. You log in
    2. You run rounds in m2
    3. You log out

    Everything else is a waste of time concerning resources.
    There are dozents of maps but none of them are any use to endgame players.

    To counteract this monotone gameplay you could follow through with the idea of PW and add adifficult mode so that all maps scale to level. Hidden Sanctum lvl 50, Hailstone Mountains lvl 50... you got the idea.

    Additionally you need to amp the difficulty like in PW and add higher chances for purple items. These maps need to be on par with m2 if you want players to go there.
    Playing one map for years is one of the reasons players loosing interest in DSO on the long run. You already have the maps and some of them are well designed, so please use them.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  2. perrush

    perrush Active Author


    I wanted to start a thread yesterday about the same thing. But because that probably wouldn't make any difference (no dev ever listens to the base) I decided not to waste my time on that.

    But now I see someone else thinking the same thing. So why not, here are my thoughts.


    Yesterday I ran out of quests. So I was wondering what I should do because I wasn't level 50 yet. In the end I was running m2 again ... that's crazy !! We have 10 new maps (and 30 old ones we never run anymore) but in the end we go back to m2 because of the droprate ... pathetic isn't it ? (Just imagine what would happen if they nerf the droprate of m2 also ... ...)

    So far my observation, now my suggestion to the devs (can write whatever I like, they probably never read it)

    Why not make a 'farm mode / world / map'. If you enter the farm world, you enter a random map. Every map is possible, also the open maps and those of the events. Mobs are scaled to your level. Drop rate is equal to m2 or better.

    You could included those special monsters new to R155 and let them drop purple every time. But at least we aren't running the same map over and over and over and over and over .... again
    wizzo90 likes this.
  3. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    What worries me the most is that an "improvement" is scheduled for the parallel worlds. Will they improve the other maps or simply take away what makes HOD so good?

    Based on their current improvements my faith in DSO making the other maps better is slim.
    Shiladitya likes this.
  4. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    Talrock already mentioned that the players are running out of things to do. So I guess they know that there is only 1 map in DSO for endgame.

    On the other hand, I am not sure if they realize that they dont need to create expensive new maps. Hard mode for normal maps is really ok. I am sick of the purple style maps anyway, its like a smurfs nightmare in PW.

    Would be great if we could at least play the new maps because they look way better than anything else.

    And yes, developers dont read the forum, but CMs get payed to watch it. Then they sort out all the rage fueled crap in here and take some things to the producer(s). Producers add their rage fueled rants on the meeting. Until eventually someone gives the order to our developers.

    Its not their fault. But if someone in this chain has doubts about it, please buy a blue lightbulb for your kitchen and see how long your last. Colors are a basic need.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
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