Suggestion about event attires

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by Darkness90, Jul 2, 2023.

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  1. Darkness90

    Darkness90 Junior Expert

    For the next Pve season (or other events in similar circumstances) would be nice get Bizum/sms mobile as a form of payment or failing that, the price of attire could be of 10 euro for paysafe card. Where i live (at least) there's only 10 or 25 euro paysafe card valued, so 1 paysafe card would be exacly 1 attire. So as not to lose benefits with the attire, it could have a duration of 12 days for the paysafe card attire. I think many people are concerned about security in the mode of payment or failing that, find the current payment methods and conditions complicated and annoying and this would help more people to acquire it and would like to have it. Thanks you!