Suggestion for making game fun again

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Δεατh123, Jan 31, 2025.

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Do you agree

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  3. Yes with some changes

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  1. Δεατh123

    Δεατh123 Forum Greenhorn

    I think everyone enjoyed the old time dso for one thing. The fun in progress without losing everything we farmed. Let me explain.
    Back before CE there was one Very unique thing i love about Drakensang. The upgrading systém. You could drop good weapon on lower dificulty and then upgrade it to better ones. I think bringing this back would help this game so much, make some harder dificulties for the Maxed players. Like then there was infernal I-IV. The level of monster was same but the tier of item was bigger. Why not make this again. Let's make Bloodshed tiers that would be difficult(more than bgh on blood) and let us drop item on lvl 145 on tier 2,3,4. This would bring some old mechanics bask and maxed players wouldn't be so bored all the time in this game. Make upgraded runes look different again, like they changed how they look in past not just background colour. And 3rd and last thing. Make event bosses and paralel world bosses worthy playing again. Now you have to wait for event that is few times a year to get playable set. Back then you could farm q7 of varholm for mages. Would be great if there were more mythic sets from those bosses and every player could chose what he preffers( each boss would effect different skills)
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
    salotr likes this.
  2. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    I more than agree with your idea, but I don't think this can't be done.
    The developers have already made choices, whether they are right or wrong choices does not matter.
    This is the game now.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I don't think it really matters. The game will still be the same, just monster having more HP and you doing more DMG.
    This is how DSO is since like what....2016. The era where it took ''skill'' to kill a boss is long over. It's a pissing contest now, everyone gettin a stiffy from seing high numbers in stat window.

    So just increasing some tiers, not going to make the game fun again. It will be a small challenge for a very short time