Suggestion for the Creators of The Game...

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by DJFrANKyEHP, Oct 18, 2022.

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    DJFrANKyEHP Forum Greenhorn

    Hi there team;

    As I think you already knows, I'm a Twitch Variety 'Streamer' from 'Canary Islands - Spain', although nowadays I'm doing a marathon of 'Drakensang Online', playing this game only, who loves your game a lot since I recently started to play it around nineteen days ago.

    I'm writing here this post, because after playing the game a lot and seeing how good it is, and also how after finding and speaking with very much people, and see that they don't know anything about a game that was released very much years ago, I started to think, and I wanted to add an idea.

    This idea is, to suggest to the Team of the game in general, or in its case to the members who can manage this, the possibility of to do collaborations in some way, with people who are streaming this wonderful game in different languages, with the purpose of to reach more public for the game from different countries, for it to be even more known. In the 'Twitch' portal, there are streamers like me, that are streaming the game in different languages and are attracting new public and players. Overall nowadays, that you are expanding the game to 'Steam', I think it would be a very great idea to make collaborations with streamers due to we are just one of the best ways to reach a wider audience of future players, what would affect in a very possitive way to the game in general. My thoughs are based on my own experience, about the people that I see are streaming the game, including to me, and also about the quantity of people I have known since I have started to play and how good they are helping other players between them (making collaborations and creating own communities around the game itself), so all of it brings me to think it can grow even more if we can work together (Creators of the game - Streamers) to reach more public in general.

    In the practice, some of the ideas to apply what I'm speaking about, could be for example; to create at your 'Official Website' an own section of streamers that are streaming the game in different languages in 'Twitch', or to apply some marketing techniques that for sure your team can know better than me, in a way that can benefit as your game as the streamers. I have seen other communities related to chess games and other games, that has associations and does collaborations with streamers and they has grown even more, and also I have seen how very much marketing studies demonstrate that the future of to be known pass by to collaborate with streamers. And also we must remember, that every streamer can help, since the little ones, to the greatest ones.

    Possibly, the best ideas can be the ones on which now I cannot think of, so that's why a collaboration between your excellent team as 'Creators of the Game' and the 'Streamers', can be really very much succeeded.

    Well, I hope this suggestion can be taken at least in consideration, and anyway whatever you can think and/or decide about it, I want to express my admiration for the great work you did and are doing, in this marvellous game I'm discovering everytime I play and Stream it.

    Thanks a lot for your attention.

    Take Care and C U Soon !!! ;)
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    Ah, the enthusiasm of the young and new. :p

    I agree that content creators can be better used, since they are essentially free advertising billboards for the game, if done correctly, that is.
    Tronco_Vaaaa likes this.
  3. Tronco_Vaaaa

    Tronco_Vaaaa Forum Greenhorn

    I remember that a loooong time ago i thought the same, until I came face to face with the evil companies that only want my money and ignore my suggestions.
