Suggestion: option to change character's class

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Severest, Jul 27, 2017.

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  1. Severest

    Severest Forum Greenhorn

    Are there any plans to develop this? To be able to change your current char's class like you can change the name/appearance. And as for the items - class related stuff (everything you wear) will probably go, but all the things that are the same for all - gems, glyphs and other currencies, costumes/mounts/pets, essences, inventory space, event and quest things - will stay.
  2. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    If you do a search, you'll find that this gets suggested periodically but it isn't realistic. I mean think about it, what good would it be for the stats/focus of a Spellweaver be migrated to a Draganknight. You'd have a toon that was high on items and skills that were designed for distance damage. Now suddenly this CHR/No Armor focused character is supposed to run up close and kill things?

    If you want to be another class, start another toon. Take the experience you have from playing the game to work on the new toon's development.
    Morinphen and MikeyMetro like this.
  3. AbradolfLincler

    AbradolfLincler Someday Author

    the other issue, is that each time a class gets nerfed, or made stronger, or a new set comes out, half the game would switch classes for a month. then new release comes out and everyone switches back. each class has strengths and weaknesses. every class can be geared, played and focused on to be strong in their own way. granted, some seem to be crazy strong in different areas or super weak in others. learning how to build a char is part of the fun. :)
    Dragonnns and Morinphen like this.
  4. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello there, Severest this idea and many similar ones have been suggested before - there used to be Twitch sessions with our CM's and the idea was turned down - there are no plans that we know of to implement it.

    Closing the thread.
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