Suggestion to admins and fellow players to add ideas to it.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Spartacus95, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. Spartacus95

    Spartacus95 Forum Apprentice

    After playing dso since open beta(3 yrs) on and off. many bosses been released but most of em are usless now based on the newer contents u guys keep releasing. So my thought on this is to make them viable again. But how? Heres my suggestion. Add a little more idea to it, like maybe sigrismar he drops the armor but at lvl 45 or the rate of game its pretty trash even tho i still use it on my new char. So why not add a special power to the armor like if u have the armor equipped u get a special skill... the skill can u help u fight monsters in sigrismarr region only or it can help in all maps/pvp. Skill can be a defensive type of skill.. like once u activate the skill u have 50hp regen/sec... this just an example to bring old bosses back and have their items become more viable again. Instead of new players complaining.. EDIT.. so way too much time in between to collect dark set, find keen set, and now the dragon shackle/ witch hunter set. The skill will take up a taskbar so its not a lot of power.. just wise building of gears/skills. For heralds weapon add an offensive skill to it. Maybe something like flamethrower.. Just an idea.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 22, 2014
  2. Slitrobo

    Slitrobo Forum Connoisseur

    I think they should expand these dungeons and old bosses into new parallel dungeons and scale them the same way the other parallel's are done. Adding new skills might be problematic but maybe new uniques could have bonus other than stats like fireball is 10% more damage or melee has a chance to stun. I don't know if they can do that but the new Amon's set bonuses kind of do.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2014
  3. Spartacus95

    Spartacus95 Forum Apprentice

    only new players use the ammon EDIT set.. dnt think expanding into useless parallel will work.. ppl go parallel to farm and the new players go to open up khalys and mortis. but yea..ammon set not useful cuz the set bonus is trash.. adding new uniques would create new content and new ppl are complaining on the dialogue thread.. but share more ideas that way the admins can open up dso to have more players again..
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