Suggestion suggestions on "quick pick essences"

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by jayr3d, Mar 15, 2015.

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what you guys think about this idea :)??

  1. great

  2. not for it

  3. i am awesome you are not :D joke

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  1. jayr3d

    jayr3d Regular


    a suggestion where we can basically quick pick/short cut to essences in ur inventory instead of going to ur inventory u just click where the essence box is n a pop up like in pictures allow you to pick the essence u wanna use


    hmm i heard from friend it was on twitch n that its already happening? so i guess never mind lol :p the thought still counts ^^ i dnt watch twitch

    i just read cantab i think his name is? his post on creative corner section he said same thing if a mod can just merge my picture on to his thread for people to have some visual idea it would be great no point in haveing double thread about same topic sorry for my laziness i did not see his post
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
  2. awaroa

    awaroa Advanced

    i think its great idea but not make it ess only you could have a click on it to activate it so then you could have a mount or another pet or a emo in the spaces
  3. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    This was mentioned in twitch.

    WAIT FOR IT.....
  4. Perfect[IoN]1

    Perfect[IoN]1 Junior Expert

    i did think this would be good i posted my own topic of idea's with what your talking about here,
    i was saying it should be done on both side's and allow quick inventory on the left, they should fade out when you swap. for a cool effect
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