Announcement Support Ticket Confirmation Mail Issue

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Melethainiel, Nov 16, 2023.

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  1. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online

    Dear Heroes of Dracania,

    We received reports that some of the players who sent a ticket via Support's contact form (any Bigpoint's game) didn't receive a confirmation mail with the ticket number - this issue affected tickets that were sent between 14.11.2023 12:00 PM and 15.11.2023 08:00 AM.
    The problem has been solved, however, we kindly ask you to contact in-game support one more time if you submitted the ticket between the mentioned hours.

    We apologize for the inconvenience.
    Your Drakensang Online Team
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