Support wont respond to ticket

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by m0sul1ca, Jun 22, 2024.

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  1. m0sul1ca

    m0sul1ca Forum Greenhorn

    I'm posting here because support doesn't answer my tickets and I need them to answer me.

    What happend to it ? My first ticket was 4 days ago and still no response.
    I rly need them to respond bcs I dropped smth and I want them to return it to me :(
  2. Talbor

    Talbor Advanced

    Nobody on the forums have the ability to help with things like that. If you sent the ticket 4 days ago I'd say give it some more time because afaik they're not working on weekends.

    Just curious, but what was it that you dropped? It may not be worth worrying about depending what it was. For example, I accidently sold a trinket full of partially upgraded runes once and because of lag I ended up clicked in the wrong spot while selling off junk gear. It was annoying to say the least, but I've since replaced them. Now I try to be super-careful because I've came close to doing the same thing with gear filled with much harder to replace upgraded gems.
  3. m0sul1ca

    m0sul1ca Forum Greenhorn

    I just posted this here bcs they wont respond to me for some reason. My ticket was sent on 18 so it was Tuesday and I read on the forum that if 7 days have passed after u dropped it they wont return it, but I didnt wait more than 7 days, I reported it after 40 min but bcs they wont respond those 7 days almost passed.

    It was Dragan's Cape so I rly need it.
  4. Talbor

    Talbor Advanced

    I don't have any experience dealing with the tech staff, but I'd send another ticket. You could also check out their Discord channel if you use Discord. I'm pretty sure I've seen others mention that some of the devs get on there sometimes. Maybe someone else can give you better help, but hope you get it back. Good luck!
  5. Kiwigal1244

    Kiwigal1244 Active Author

    There was a post from DSO about this
    Apparently we are asked to fill this form in'
    Link : Drakensang Online Server Issues Survey (