switch items

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bloodyneo, Mar 10, 2014.

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  1. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    i got some essance and lock picks and amphora keys and i want to use them for my other charecter and i payed for it in ander please make some kind of way to move them or switch them to my other character or its impossible to do it
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No it is not possible to switch them between characters.
    But all characters are using same pool of andermants. You should have purchased them at with that "other" character.

    EDIT: Or this was suggestion? :D
  3. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I think it was a suggestion since it's in the Creative Corner.
  4. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    I don´t know about others, but i really need more signs in the text like a question mark to get the exact meaning here! :D
  5. Markoman

    Markoman Someday Author

    @bloodyneo Did you already accept the purchase at certain character?
    If you did but wanted to accept it with another character then this is a question for support - Here
  6. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    i mean do something like a space in locker u can buy with ander dedicated only for switching items from character to character i have seen it in other games like( dark legend ) android base game :)


    they dont even bother and reply no or yes .....omg hopless
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 22, 2014
  7. Markoman

    Markoman Someday Author

    @bloodyneo If you have something to add please use the Edit button. As for your suggestion goes it is highly unlikely because there would be problems with different classes and that would allow low lvl characters to get easy glyphs and we have already enough abuse of those by low lvls.
  8. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    im saying only items like essance ,buff,lockpick,amphora keys...items that only shared between characters or just say its highly 2 hard for developers to do it !!!!!
  9. infusiv

    infusiv Forum Greenhorn

    it's not too hard. he's saying they don't want to do it. if you want an item on a low level character, go farm with that character. it's not fair to go load up on lockpicks with your level 1 toon and then transfer them over to your 45 toon for use in the high end dungeons. or to rack up a bunch of amphorae keys by selling event pieces to a merchant, and use them to buff out your 35 toon so you can dominate in pvp.
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