SWs have it good

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by freewayfrank, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. freewayfrank

    freewayfrank Someday Author

    i am a sw level 45 /marshall/ we have great weapons and are easy to take care of toon.i have been having problems in pvp because of my lack of playing.sorry to all those i affected i am trying new stuff.dont judge me please becase im trying to get stonger i make mistakes .then i fix them .ty all for patience
    soxx101 likes this.
  2. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    it all takes time :)
  3. pewterbaugh

    pewterbaugh Forum Apprentice

    I'm not marshal level yet but on my way. As a level 45 SW I have found that you need a balance between damage, critical hit and speed way to one area or another ends up in lower damage and missed opportunities to deliver a solid hit. Whatever equipment you decide to use make sure to balance it.
    Good Luck.

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