Announcement Sync of Release 252 #Hotfix 3

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Mariokbe, Nov 4, 2021.

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  1. Mariokbe

    Mariokbe User

    Dear Heroes of Dracania,

    This Monday, the 8th of November, the servers will go under maintenance for a hotfix to be deployed.

    Hotfix Schedule
    • Start Countdown: 08:30 am
    • Start Maintenance: 09:00 am
    • Maintenance finished: 10:00 am

    - Improvements of upcoming Stellar Gold event (to be announced soon)
    - "Shadows of the Past" quest bug fix - the portal for follow-up task is spawned correctly
    - More old Halloween essence occurrences were tracked down and replaced. All old essences will be automatically converted into new essences so they can be stacked together

    Your Drakensang Online Team
    Arr and DocWhisky like this.
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