Talent tree reset

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kulden, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. Kulden

    Kulden Forum Greenhorn

    So I've noticed in talent tree when you reset, you don't get 5 free resets per talent tree(excluding middle) anymore it's instead used up when you reset either of the 2 talent trees at the side. If you're not going to bring back the previous 5 per talent tree then could you at least make it reset both talent trees at the same time when you press reset? That way we get to experiment with both talent trees for a used up free reset?
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    It was never five per talent tree. Ever since those resets have been in place, they applied to the whole page (excluding knowledge, of course, since there is no reason to reset that).

    I remember, because I experienced the same issue a long time ago when I only had two resets. This was during beta (I think), or just after beta, after a major character rework that turned DKs from gods into mortals :D I used one of the free ones incorrectly, and I needed to do resets on both trees, so I had to suck it up and purchase a third one for 100 Andermant.

    They've always been that way, applying to both trees at once. I did suggest they should make that clear, though, way back then. I think I said they should put a "global" reset counter in the middle-bottom of the page instead of showing separate, misleading counters. They obviously did not take my advice ;)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
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