Technical Issue--Grouped players on friends list

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kasherinae, Nov 30, 2013.

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  1. Kasherinae

    Kasherinae Junior Expert

    It is not showing correctly and I do not see a technical issues forum. For example, I just invited an "ungrouped" friend to a map 2 group, and he told me he was grouped, and sure enough when I tried an invite anyway, I got the message that he was in a group.

    This has been a long-standing bug with the game (and it seems to go both ways). Also, when leaving groups, many players find they cannot form new groups (and if they know, have to enter "/leave group" to clear the error).

    The group function is clearly bugged on multiple levels and it needs to be nerfed. Oh wait, you call that "fixed."
    ~IceAngel~ likes this.
  2. ~IceAngel~

    ~IceAngel~ Junior Expert

    yes i get the same problem with certain people some of my friends are grouped 100% of the time on my list but then they ask me to invite them and i refresh my list and they are still grouped yet when i invite they join my group.. also sometimes it tells me i cant invite someone because only group leader can invite when i am alone it's a really annoying bugg :p
  3. Kasherinae

    Kasherinae Junior Expert

    IceAngel, to fix the "only group leader can invite" bug, enter "/leave group"

    That fixes it every time.
  4. ~IceAngel~

    ~IceAngel~ Junior Expert

    The problem is when i get that i an not grouped it is usually after i come out of pvp and i end up not being able to group so i have to log out for a while and come back. I am not grouped so its just a game bug the "leave group" option is not there as there is no actual group to begin with, but thanks for trying to help :D
  5. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    Just type "/leave" in any chat and the issue will be fixed. The game apparently thinks that you are still in an arena group after some matches, and the /leave command gets you out of the imaginary group.
  6. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    It's not an "option", exactly. It will work even thought the game shows you not in a group. You have to TYPE... /leave group ... in your chat box and press enter.
  7. ~IceAngel~

    ~IceAngel~ Junior Expert

    ok thanks i will try that
  8. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    Just '/leave' is enough.
  9. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    This is accurate. I was unaware that the command could be shortened until yesterday when I tried it.
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