Teleport Box-Box

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ibardaloza, Jun 10, 2019.

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  1. Ibardaloza

    Ibardaloza Forum Greenhorn

    Last time, my Teleport skill displays its graphical effects "from" and "to" just fine but after the maintenance.. the "to" effect displays a Black Box as if it can't load the effects of "to".

    Its quite ugly so.. what should I do?

    Its not about my Internet..
    Jhinstalock likes this.
  2. Galvard

    Galvard Forum Mogul

    The bug is reported. Try to use lower graphic effects.
  3. Ibardaloza

    Ibardaloza Forum Greenhorn

    Even I lowered my graphic effects.. Its still there.
    Its quite troublesome when I teleported in to the mobs to freeze them, I can't see them while that "Black Box 3D" is still floating.
  4. Galvard

    Galvard Forum Mogul

    I hope that today hotfix will fix it.
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