Announcement Test Character to test New Skillsystem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    As you know, the current skill system will be completely reworked with release 155. Instead of having only 1-2 talents per skills you will now be allowed to distribute talent points and modify a skill with up to 3 talents per skill.​
    • Old number of skill talents per class: 18
    • New number of skill talents per class: 42

    This feature is a core feature which needs lots of testing and feedback. In addition to our in-house testers and focus group (will be held on the 10th of July), we will need also external feedback. For that matter, the developers decided to do the following:


    On Friday the 10th of July everyone with an existing account on the test-server will receive 2 additional characters in his/her account. These characters will be generated randomly and thus everything on them is random – looks, equipment, gender, class. One of them will definitely be level 45 and the other one either level 15, 25 or 35.

    These characters ought to be used to test the new skills system intensively.


    Greg has 2 characters – a Spellweaver and a Ranger. After the script has been applied – Greg receives 2 additional characters, a Steam Mechanicus (Level 45) and a Dragon Knight (level 25).


    What if I have already all four character slots full?

    You will still get 2 extra characters – in total you will have 6 then.

    Will I keep these characters?

    No – after we have collected enough data we will erase them again, so please do not get emotionally attached ;)

    I have plenty of feedback – where can I pass it on?

    In the forum section Test Server you will find a thread called Feedback New SkillSystem (R155) . Please write everything down that you want to tell us.

    When will we be able to test the new Skillsystem?

    The new Skillsystem should be on the test server soon, so stay tuned and ready!​

    Thank you,
    CMs Greg, Haruki and the DSO Moderation Team
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
    thebearreturns likes this.
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