Test server active?

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Armanto951, May 25, 2024.

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  1. Armanto951

    Armanto951 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi I'm an old player that I joined again a few days ago...many years ago I used to play quite a lot on test server but now I logged in and it was dead....
    What is wrong? Noone is playing there anymore?
    Just wanted to know if is it fun playing there again anymore and searching for bugs and stuff or just play on normal servers?
  2. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello, welcome back :) The game has probably changed quite a bit from when you were last here, if that was before the big updates our game underwent in the past few years.

    You can consider playing on both test server and regular servers if you wish, but certainly give the new updates a try ^^It is now more feasible to grow/play multiple characters, and there are some new events and maps to explore, so I'm sure you will get a good feel of the game after some initial playtime.
    armanto952 likes this.
  3. armanto952

    armanto952 Forum Greenhorn

    is there a way that i can be an admin/moderator on test server? i wanna make TS great again
  4. Drabis777

    Drabis777 Forum Apprentice

    What is the name of the new test server? Is it Harold?
  5. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    There are more thorough explanations elsewhere on this forum (and on the wikia), but in a nutshell, create a new shortcut to the thinclient with a target string like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Drakensang Online\thinclient.exe" -stable -x86_64

    The -stable option directs your request to the test server.

    Note that the thinclient always uses the %TEMP%\DSOClient directory to store vital game data, regardless of whether you're pointing to the live servers or the test server, so you'll probably want to maintain two versions of that directory, rename them accordingly before switching between live versus test environments, or you'll have to completely redownload everything every time you switch.
    Drabis777 likes this.