Test Server is full

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by dahvrok1, Nov 2, 2018.

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  1. dahvrok1

    dahvrok1 Forum Greenhorn

    I get this message for 2 days now. Is the server really full or is it a bug?
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello dahvrok1 and welcome to DSO EN Forum. It is a very busy time on Test Server at the moment and because of its low capacity it is to be expected that you may not be able to log in for hours or even days. Keep trying- that's all I can suggest;

    kind regards
  3. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    In my experience, the server is usually full in the European evening/East Coast USA afternoon. It's not full in the East Coast evenin through 2am.

    I've been testing it out with no server is full issues between 10pm and 2am on the USA East coast. However, was unable to log in at 2pm eastern time as the server was full then.
  4. dahvrok1

    dahvrok1 Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks guys, still full
  5. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    How BP functions:
    1) Drum up excitement about new update
    2) Ask for feedback
    3) Limit server capacity to next-to-nothing
    4) Wonder why there's no good feedback
  6. darkwarss

    darkwarss Forum Apprentice

    You do know that they don't have any profit of letting the test server open to public, aside from players finding some bugs & giving feedback, right? I still think the server can handle at least ~200 players tho. It's ridiculous to think that they would make the test server with the capacity of the heredur server, for example.
  7. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    you forgot point 5: ignore all feedback
    Demon likes this.
  8. Here's how to get a chance to play on test server:

    1. Type your password somewhere, like notepad or cortana search bar and ctrl + c your password.
    2. Setup DSO client for test server obviously
    3. Your username is usually remembered so just ctrl + v your password
    4. when you get "server is full" close client and repeat #3 as fast as you can
    5. Sometimes client glitches, when it does, close client and end application in task manager - then try again

    It works for me 99% of the time.. just don't DDoS the test server :p
    trakilaki likes this.
  9. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    Another reason there is no good feedback is it seems all the feedback from the pvp update is from people that have not played on the test server Have not seen one post stating I played 10 matches of 5v5 and the matches went like this and these are the bad points and these are the positive points, so no wonder the feedback is ignored.
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    5 steps?
    I am doing it in one step.
    I am just pressing the "Hack" button all the time when the connection is being refused


    Maybe because there are no such people?
    Read the thread title.
    So ... there are handful of players inside the Test Server, lets just say 150.
    50 of them are begging for resources.
    50 of them are testing the Parallel World or the new dungeons.
    20 of them are testing the crafting.
    10 of them are playing the long boring crafting quests.
    10 of them already fell asleep because the crafting quests.
    10 of them are waiting for a match ... but they will never get one. Because 6 of them are at different level and 4 can't get a match in 5v5

    That is what 150 players can do when testing something that depends on other players and specific circumstances and they can't do anything about it.
    Read the thread title again.
  11. I use chrome.. my hack button is patched :(
  12. DeNVerRO

    DeNVerRO Forum Greenhorn

    So i have this "this server is full" message about 3-4 days, and i try, and i try do see when work,
    but, surprise, is not only full, is very full all day long. I don't expect to solve this problems, but is the first
    time in so many years when is too full for everybody.
  13. darkwarss

    darkwarss Forum Apprentice

    I'm usually trying to log in for about an hour.. Maybe you are just not trying hard enough xD

    Btw, use the website version, its faster.
  14. rosita1989

    rosita1989 Forum Greenhorn

    you can make the Capacity more so that more testers can play
  15. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    On a normal day-to-day basis, yes. But this is not a "normal" update. This is a major change, they should have thought that people would be interested.
    trakilaki likes this.
  16. SayMyName

    SayMyName Forum Apprentice


    I just can not understand how the hell it is possible that...at 1:30 at night the server is always full.

    the main problem is not the people who connect to test the news, but the people (thanks to the staff of the game) they have created real pg where they play regularly. We must give everyone the opportunity to test things but there are people who play all day on the TS and always receive rewards from the staff to improve their pg.
  17. TS.Floresv

    TS.Floresv Forum Greenhorn

    Can you help me how to start game by internet? :):) bc its impossible to get in by client... i tried 2 days and log in more than 200 times and still cant get in... Especially makes me angry players which are afk in game and blocking capacity of server. :mad::mad: Thx. :p
  18. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    I try it to. The server is full all the day/night !!
  19. darkwarss

    darkwarss Forum Apprentice

    Well, its normal since there are players all over the world :D
  20. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Advanced

    Hello my shameless and no_one friend.:D If you want to enter test server more easy use IE and smash the F5 button,after 5-20 max you should be able to login.See you on test server,A ranger friend ;)