Test Server is full

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by dahvrok1, Nov 2, 2018.

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  1. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I have had no problem getting in around 10 pm Eastern Time (East Coast USA) and staying in for a couple hours over the past week or so.
  2. DeNVerRO

    DeNVerRO Forum Greenhorn

    Hey, @Novadude, is very nice because you are maybe in US, but for some of us from Europe, the server don't work,
    so, i don't need an answer from you people who play and is OK, i need a answer from this big ranks from Drakensang.
  3. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    lolz, sorry man but this is probably as "official" as it is going to get. The second post in this thread is from a mod.

    The TS is working just fine... "server is full" doesn't mean "server is broken." ;) I have no life and thus play at all hours of the day. I can get on TS at any time by (as others have stated in this thread) using IE and clicking refresh or hitting F5.

    If that answer don't float your boat... well, I guess you can keep waiting for an answer from "big ranks." (It will likely be a long wait.)

    Luck be with ye,
  4. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Advanced

    I just login once again on test server after trying only for 5 mins(server is full message).Anyone who cant access test server should check first with ping command in windows,if they get response from test server(ping stablebuild.drakensang.com).If server doesn't respond you can try to switch your antivirus in gaming mode and disable temporarily windows firewall in case some ports are blocked.If DSO is still blocked maybe then is ISP problem.
  5. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    i tried 5 times and i got in
    browser ideology is not good
  6. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    You got an answer in post #2 from the mods.

    You can try getting up early/earlier an playing before work or school or whatever in order to optimize your chances - for example, Convert 10pm to 3am eastern standard time to your local time and try playing then.

    If you can't get on, well, it's test server, not a gaming server.
  7. Elεκτron

    Elεκτron Forum Greenhorn

    Hello guys i am one player who plays in heredur server but i am playing at test server too. Test Server is always full can you add some space ? i have premium and i lost it :( its unfair , some players just camp in server , they enter and stay in city for a lot hours and when they want to play they play and all other players cant play because of them and because of space... thx
  8. Paavelson

    Paavelson Junior Expert

    yep people just stand on city and talk and gay talks there. and testing pvp. but why lol its gearless no need to test you all going to suck on live servers anyway.

    maybe would be great if tesserver gets inactivity protection. after 10 minutes whole server burns down and everyone runs xD


    ohh well good advertisment for testserver. players play there not test
    this drives me beyond angry, how stupid people are is out of this world.
    there cant be such thing that they arent reading forum and understand there is player limit on testserver
    how they gained accses to testserver first place ? reading forum ofc.
    but this is beyong stupid. so many players and so little feedback on testserver thread.
    doubt tht they testing testserver capacity xD
    i am calling testserver restart deleting all characters.
    and everyone who gives feedback would contact support to get account recovered. or something like that.

    Last edited by moderator: Nov 26, 2018