The Advice About PVE and PVP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Hmmm, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. Hmmm

    Hmmm Forum Greenhorn

    This is about PVP
    1. The new player which start this game cant play PVP now, because the player which at lvl 45 create their other character just for PVP and upgrade there items to lvl 45 or 40.
    2. The advice is that player just upgrade their items just about lvl 5 only as at lvl 45 .
    3. Other thing that PVP lvl should depend upon on XP lvl, when character XP lvl increase (or lvl up) then he can plus his PVP lvl.
    4. please think about it thank you.
    This is about PVE

    1. Please make sure that player at lvl 1 ,first complete their quest and then they can go to other places as you make at lvl 40, they never pass any place before complete their quest.
    2. Please take this action quickly thank you.
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