the Ammons "re" grindfest...oh joy oh rapture

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by multitoonz, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    We get it, no game ideas just over and over running PW to get a better piece of Ammons. Problem is drop rates for the stupid frags are just insanely low. Over 20+ runs in Grimm PW and I finally get 1 powerful. Basically same with mighty and minors although I am averaging maybe 3 to 4 minors a run LOL.
    And I am sure it's the same horrible crap low drop rate in every PW for the "re" quests.
    My question is WHY?
    If we never get max stat pieces and go look for another anyway, it makes zero sense to make us run a month for one piece. This is why people leave the game. This is why people get incredibly frustrated because all we have now is eternal grind with rewards far and few.
    Yes we know there is absolutely NOTHING to do in game anymore except grind PW. So instead of pissing us off, give us the stupid frags so at least we can get something accomplished. We're going to go back in again and run it for a better gear piece so what is the harm in giving us the frags?
    Oh and don't say buy the uber-expensive goggles. That's just stupid. 1600 andermant for the possibility of double frag drops, whatever.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  2. deaththrol

    deaththrol Forum Apprentice

    true with every relese drop rate is lower
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